أبو يوسف
06-09-2010, 08:39 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
JDownloader 0.9.580 [20100901 Plugin Upd] Portable
JDownloader 0.9.580 [20100901 Plugin Upd] Portable | 28.07 Mb
Downloader - A new version of an efficient and convenient program for avtomaticheskoy downloading files from sites: RapidShare.com, RapidShare.de, Letitbit.net, Depositfiles.com, Filefactory.com, Uploaded.to, Megaupload.com, Megashares.com, Vip-file . com, Upshare.net, Youtube.com, Myvideo.de, Imagefap.com, Files.to etc. In many respects, similar to c USDownloader but with a more attractive functional in Distinctions from USD this utility is able to swing a few faylov simultaneously combines references to the voluminous archives - that pozvolyaet pump simultaneously with neskolkih sharing services, working with the premium ***, conveniently taken to switch between ***s - there is support mnogopotochnoy to upload a resume, before the built-in power reconnect with the function avtomaticheskogo search parameters.
Automatic download from sites
التحميل المباشر من المواقع التالية
- Letitbit.net
- Depositfiles.com
- Filefactory.com
- Uploading.com
- Vip-file.com
- RapidShare.com
- Youtube.com
- RapidShare.de
- Uploaded.to
- Megaupload.com
- Megashares.com
- Upshare.net
- Myvideo.de
- Imagefap.com
- And very, very many others ...
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Language: Multi
License: Free
Size: 28.07 Mb
:download: (http://letitbit.net/download/79380.79316ce5e4838e5f049b699c6b50af2c7/JDownloader_0.9.580_20100901_Plugin.Upd_Portable.r ar.html)
للتحميل إضغط على ايقونة فري ثم يأتيك عداد 60ثانية إنتظر حتى ينتهي العد
البرنامج بلغة يوغوسلافية ولجعله باللغه الإنجليزية
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
JDownloader 0.9.580 [20100901 Plugin Upd] Portable
JDownloader 0.9.580 [20100901 Plugin Upd] Portable | 28.07 Mb
Downloader - A new version of an efficient and convenient program for avtomaticheskoy downloading files from sites: RapidShare.com, RapidShare.de, Letitbit.net, Depositfiles.com, Filefactory.com, Uploaded.to, Megaupload.com, Megashares.com, Vip-file . com, Upshare.net, Youtube.com, Myvideo.de, Imagefap.com, Files.to etc. In many respects, similar to c USDownloader but with a more attractive functional in Distinctions from USD this utility is able to swing a few faylov simultaneously combines references to the voluminous archives - that pozvolyaet pump simultaneously with neskolkih sharing services, working with the premium ***, conveniently taken to switch between ***s - there is support mnogopotochnoy to upload a resume, before the built-in power reconnect with the function avtomaticheskogo search parameters.
Automatic download from sites
التحميل المباشر من المواقع التالية
- Letitbit.net
- Depositfiles.com
- Filefactory.com
- Uploading.com
- Vip-file.com
- RapidShare.com
- Youtube.com
- RapidShare.de
- Uploaded.to
- Megaupload.com
- Megashares.com
- Upshare.net
- Myvideo.de
- Imagefap.com
- And very, very many others ...
OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / 7
Language: Multi
License: Free
Size: 28.07 Mb
:download: (http://letitbit.net/download/79380.79316ce5e4838e5f049b699c6b50af2c7/JDownloader_0.9.580_20100901_Plugin.Upd_Portable.r ar.html)
للتحميل إضغط على ايقونة فري ثم يأتيك عداد 60ثانية إنتظر حتى ينتهي العد
البرنامج بلغة يوغوسلافية ولجعله باللغه الإنجليزية