25-08-2008, 11:56 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Stardock WindowBlinds Enhanced V6.2 Build 61
البرنامج الرائع لتغير مظهر الويندوز كاملا بثيمات رائعة وإحترافية
هذه هى الإصدارة الحديثة والتى تحتوى على إضافات رائعة وكذلك ثيم Aero والذى تم تحديثه ليكون سريعا فى العرض
وهذه بعض المميزات والإضافات الجديدة
* New start menu animation support
* Category filtering on skins in wbconfig
* Tag filtering on wallpapers in wbconfig
* Random skin support
* The ability to save a re-coloring of a skin as a preset
* Advanced HSL re-coloring where you pick a single color and a range in a skin and you can just change that color instead of the entire skin
* Ability to edit the system colors from wbconfig
* Ability to change skin fonts from wbconfig
* Ability to control transparency and blur on start menu, menus, taskbar & window frames. Has some limitations on XP
* Ability to save such changes as a preset
* Vista-Ize me function which sets some defaults to have a more vista like look
* Ability to skin the sidebar
* Ability to edit a sidebar skin from within wbconfig
* Improved WB skin install when handling upgrades of skins
* Ability to alter the mouse over animation speed
* Ability to alter the default button pulsing speed
* Support for explorer background bitmaps
* Ability to use the Aero frames with the rest of the skin
* Blur support in title bars (and menus on vista)
* Lots of new sections for new Vista specific parts
* Including IE navigation arrows, IE tabs, start menu shutdown/lock buttons
* Skins virtually every aspect of the Windows GUI
* Clean and easy configuration dialog.
* Tons of configuration options for users
* Animation supported on titlebars, buttons, and many other elements.
* Change the color of any visual style on the fly
* Per-application visual styles
* Doesn't alter any system files
* Safe, reliable way to change the look and feel of Windows
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
التحميل من موقع
:rapid: (http://rapidshare.com/files/139695653/StaWiBlinEn62b61.rar)
:bar: (http://www.abc4web.net)
كود فك الضغط
بالتوفيق للجميع
مع أجمل تحية للجميع
أبو هــــMــــام
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Stardock WindowBlinds Enhanced V6.2 Build 61
البرنامج الرائع لتغير مظهر الويندوز كاملا بثيمات رائعة وإحترافية
هذه هى الإصدارة الحديثة والتى تحتوى على إضافات رائعة وكذلك ثيم Aero والذى تم تحديثه ليكون سريعا فى العرض
وهذه بعض المميزات والإضافات الجديدة
* New start menu animation support
* Category filtering on skins in wbconfig
* Tag filtering on wallpapers in wbconfig
* Random skin support
* The ability to save a re-coloring of a skin as a preset
* Advanced HSL re-coloring where you pick a single color and a range in a skin and you can just change that color instead of the entire skin
* Ability to edit the system colors from wbconfig
* Ability to change skin fonts from wbconfig
* Ability to control transparency and blur on start menu, menus, taskbar & window frames. Has some limitations on XP
* Ability to save such changes as a preset
* Vista-Ize me function which sets some defaults to have a more vista like look
* Ability to skin the sidebar
* Ability to edit a sidebar skin from within wbconfig
* Improved WB skin install when handling upgrades of skins
* Ability to alter the mouse over animation speed
* Ability to alter the default button pulsing speed
* Support for explorer background bitmaps
* Ability to use the Aero frames with the rest of the skin
* Blur support in title bars (and menus on vista)
* Lots of new sections for new Vista specific parts
* Including IE navigation arrows, IE tabs, start menu shutdown/lock buttons
* Skins virtually every aspect of the Windows GUI
* Clean and easy configuration dialog.
* Tons of configuration options for users
* Animation supported on titlebars, buttons, and many other elements.
* Change the color of any visual style on the fly
* Per-application visual styles
* Doesn't alter any system files
* Safe, reliable way to change the look and feel of Windows
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
التحميل من موقع
:rapid: (http://rapidshare.com/files/139695653/StaWiBlinEn62b61.rar)
:bar: (http://www.abc4web.net)
كود فك الضغط
بالتوفيق للجميع
مع أجمل تحية للجميع
أبو هــــMــــام