أبو يوسف
14-12-2010, 08:22 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لعبة البازل الشهيرة باخر اصدار محمول Portable SolSuite 2011 v11.0
مجموعة ذات جودة عالية تجمع 504 من افضل العاب السوليتير في العالم تجدها بالبرنامج بما في ذلك Spider ، Klondike ، FreeCell ، Pyramid ، Golf ،
Monte Carlo ، Canfield ، Gaps ، Forty Thieves ، Four Seasons ،Napoléon ،
Diplomat ، La Belle Lucie ، Poker Solitaire ، Flower Garden ، Rouge et Noir
إلى جانب عشرات السوليتير الأصلية ليس بالامكان العثور عليها في أي مكان آخر ، مثل King of Scotland ،
Baccarat Solitaire ، و Mayflower!
اللعبه لا تحتاج مواصفات عالية للتشغيل
SolSuite 2011 is a high-quality collection of 511 solitaire games.All of the world's best-known solitaire games are here, including Spider solitaire, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Yukon, Monte Carlo, Canfield, Gaps, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Napoleon, Diplomat, La Belle Lucie, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir. We've also invented dozens of solitaires with your fun in mind, such as King of Scotland, Foxtrot, Mayflower and many others!
Exclusive Features of SolSuite Solitaire:
• 511 world's best solitaire games! More info
• More than 80 awesome card sets! More info
• More than 300 beautiful card backs! More info
• More than 100 backgrounds! More info
• Large Card Sets easier to see! More info
• Lots of advanced features, options and statistics!
New "Check for Update" Command
SolSuite 2011's version 11.0 makes available a new "Check for Updates" command. This command will check for updates to the SolSuite program and SolSuite Graphics Pack components.
SolSuite Graphics Pack updates are now much easier to download and install. The program will check for an update of SolSuite or SolSuite Graphics Pack and notify you if one is available.
- If SolSuite updates are found, you'll be notified on how to download it from the Internet.
- If SolSuite Graphics Pack updates are found, you will be prompted to confirm download and installation. If you confirm, the program will download the most recent updates and install them automatically.
Solitaire Previews
The previews of the solitaires in the Select a Solitaire dialog box have been graphically improved.
Statistics dialog boxes redesigned
All the Statistics dialog boxes have been redesigned and graphically improved with new beautiful 3D graphics.
Game Won dialog box redesigned
The "Game Won" dialog box (the dialog box which appears after winning a game) has been redesigned and now contains the new 3D graphic showing the number of games won and lost.
:download: (http://hotfile.com/dl/88979511/0952a36/X-11SS.rar.html)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لعبة البازل الشهيرة باخر اصدار محمول Portable SolSuite 2011 v11.0
مجموعة ذات جودة عالية تجمع 504 من افضل العاب السوليتير في العالم تجدها بالبرنامج بما في ذلك Spider ، Klondike ، FreeCell ، Pyramid ، Golf ،
Monte Carlo ، Canfield ، Gaps ، Forty Thieves ، Four Seasons ،Napoléon ،
Diplomat ، La Belle Lucie ، Poker Solitaire ، Flower Garden ، Rouge et Noir
إلى جانب عشرات السوليتير الأصلية ليس بالامكان العثور عليها في أي مكان آخر ، مثل King of Scotland ،
Baccarat Solitaire ، و Mayflower!
اللعبه لا تحتاج مواصفات عالية للتشغيل
SolSuite 2011 is a high-quality collection of 511 solitaire games.All of the world's best-known solitaire games are here, including Spider solitaire, Klondike, FreeCell, Pyramid, Golf, Yukon, Monte Carlo, Canfield, Gaps, Forty Thieves, Four Seasons, Napoleon, Diplomat, La Belle Lucie, Flower Garden, Rouge et Noir. We've also invented dozens of solitaires with your fun in mind, such as King of Scotland, Foxtrot, Mayflower and many others!
Exclusive Features of SolSuite Solitaire:
• 511 world's best solitaire games! More info
• More than 80 awesome card sets! More info
• More than 300 beautiful card backs! More info
• More than 100 backgrounds! More info
• Large Card Sets easier to see! More info
• Lots of advanced features, options and statistics!
New "Check for Update" Command
SolSuite 2011's version 11.0 makes available a new "Check for Updates" command. This command will check for updates to the SolSuite program and SolSuite Graphics Pack components.
SolSuite Graphics Pack updates are now much easier to download and install. The program will check for an update of SolSuite or SolSuite Graphics Pack and notify you if one is available.
- If SolSuite updates are found, you'll be notified on how to download it from the Internet.
- If SolSuite Graphics Pack updates are found, you will be prompted to confirm download and installation. If you confirm, the program will download the most recent updates and install them automatically.
Solitaire Previews
The previews of the solitaires in the Select a Solitaire dialog box have been graphically improved.
Statistics dialog boxes redesigned
All the Statistics dialog boxes have been redesigned and graphically improved with new beautiful 3D graphics.
Game Won dialog box redesigned
The "Game Won" dialog box (the dialog box which appears after winning a game) has been redesigned and now contains the new 3D graphic showing the number of games won and lost.
:download: (http://hotfile.com/dl/88979511/0952a36/X-11SS.rar.html)