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21-01-2011, 02:17 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Foxit Reader Multilingual Portable
من أقدم برامج الأكروبات وأشهرها للتعامل مع ملفات الأكروبات
Foxit Reader Multilingual Portable | 8.57 MB
Foxit PDF Reader is the only eligible alternative reader/viewer for PDF files (eBooks). It's free, smaller, faster, and cleaner. And it starts up immediately, so you don't need to wait the annoying "Welcome" screen to disappear. Foxit PDF Reader is extremely easy to use, just double click it to start and then click open button to open your PDF document. If you want to print, click on "Print" button. If you want to setup the page layout for printing, select "Print Setup" from "File" menu. Foxit Reader supports Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Unlike Adobe Reader, this one has size about than 2.5 MB, needs no installation and opens up immediately. You don't need to go throught lengthy installation process to start using Foxit PDF Reader, just UNZIP the downloaded "pdfrd.zip" package into any place you want, then run PDFReader.exe. You can set Foxit PDF Reader as your default PDF reader, so you can double click on PDF files to open them within Foxit PDF Reader.
Enhanced Features:
* Improved Select Text Tool. Not only used for selecting text, but also enables users to add most types of annotations, including highlight, strikeout, underline, squiggly, replacement, etc.
* Enhanced Print Setup. Supports printing separate pages or a range of pages by entering 1, 3, 7-10 or whatever in the Pages text box within the Print dialog box.
* Better Annotation Control. Allows users to align and center multiple annotations on PDF pages, including Notes, Drawing Markups and Typewriter Comments.
* Advanced Toolbar Control. Completely rearranges the toolbar layout and allows users to easily customize the tools that appear in Foxit Reader.
* Better Permission Control. Disables and grays out some UI elements when users are not allowed to perform the corresponding operations on the protected PDF document.
* Improved Upgrade Mode. Foxit Updater Preferences dialog box allows the user to configure the update settings. Foxit Reader supports the ability to check for updates automatically on a weekly or monthly basis.
* Improved Popup Note. A popup note turns transparent when it is open but not selected. Users can also cut, copy or paste text in the new popup note.
* Enhanced Shortcut Keys Input. Press F11 to enter or exit the full screen mode. Use keyboard shortcuts to fill PDF forms easily.
* Transferrable preferences Settings. Foxit Reader creates an INI file to save user's preferences settings so that it can be easily kept and transferred. Users can keep their own settings and don't have to configure them when Foxit Reader is updated or moved.
* Many Bug Fixes
Verify the digital signature
Foxit Reader 4.2 now features a PDF digital signature verification technology which uses an enhanced, yet ISO 32000 compliant, verification process that ensures the signature is real and neither the document nor the signature have been compromised. This new verification process provides a secure and reliable platform for exchanging electronics documents without putting the user at risk from falsified documents.
Enhance security with ASLR & DEP support
Foxit Reader 4.2 continues to add features that increase security by making it harder for hackers to compromise a PDF document. The current version of the reader includes Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, which uses a random algorithm to determine a memory address used to store key file data. A second security feature is Data Execution Prevention, DEP, which simply prevents executing code from a non-executable memory location. ASLR and DEP combine to highly improve Foxit Reader Security and provide a stable platform for enterprise, business and consumer, Foxit Reader users.
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Foxit Reader Multilingual Portable
من أقدم برامج الأكروبات وأشهرها للتعامل مع ملفات الأكروبات
Foxit Reader Multilingual Portable | 8.57 MB
Foxit PDF Reader is the only eligible alternative reader/viewer for PDF files (eBooks). It's free, smaller, faster, and cleaner. And it starts up immediately, so you don't need to wait the annoying "Welcome" screen to disappear. Foxit PDF Reader is extremely easy to use, just double click it to start and then click open button to open your PDF document. If you want to print, click on "Print" button. If you want to setup the page layout for printing, select "Print Setup" from "File" menu. Foxit Reader supports Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista.
Unlike Adobe Reader, this one has size about than 2.5 MB, needs no installation and opens up immediately. You don't need to go throught lengthy installation process to start using Foxit PDF Reader, just UNZIP the downloaded "pdfrd.zip" package into any place you want, then run PDFReader.exe. You can set Foxit PDF Reader as your default PDF reader, so you can double click on PDF files to open them within Foxit PDF Reader.
Enhanced Features:
* Improved Select Text Tool. Not only used for selecting text, but also enables users to add most types of annotations, including highlight, strikeout, underline, squiggly, replacement, etc.
* Enhanced Print Setup. Supports printing separate pages or a range of pages by entering 1, 3, 7-10 or whatever in the Pages text box within the Print dialog box.
* Better Annotation Control. Allows users to align and center multiple annotations on PDF pages, including Notes, Drawing Markups and Typewriter Comments.
* Advanced Toolbar Control. Completely rearranges the toolbar layout and allows users to easily customize the tools that appear in Foxit Reader.
* Better Permission Control. Disables and grays out some UI elements when users are not allowed to perform the corresponding operations on the protected PDF document.
* Improved Upgrade Mode. Foxit Updater Preferences dialog box allows the user to configure the update settings. Foxit Reader supports the ability to check for updates automatically on a weekly or monthly basis.
* Improved Popup Note. A popup note turns transparent when it is open but not selected. Users can also cut, copy or paste text in the new popup note.
* Enhanced Shortcut Keys Input. Press F11 to enter or exit the full screen mode. Use keyboard shortcuts to fill PDF forms easily.
* Transferrable preferences Settings. Foxit Reader creates an INI file to save user's preferences settings so that it can be easily kept and transferred. Users can keep their own settings and don't have to configure them when Foxit Reader is updated or moved.
* Many Bug Fixes
Verify the digital signature
Foxit Reader 4.2 now features a PDF digital signature verification technology which uses an enhanced, yet ISO 32000 compliant, verification process that ensures the signature is real and neither the document nor the signature have been compromised. This new verification process provides a secure and reliable platform for exchanging electronics documents without putting the user at risk from falsified documents.
Enhance security with ASLR & DEP support
Foxit Reader 4.2 continues to add features that increase security by making it harder for hackers to compromise a PDF document. The current version of the reader includes Address Space Layout Randomization, ASLR, which uses a random algorithm to determine a memory address used to store key file data. A second security feature is Data Execution Prevention, DEP, which simply prevents executing code from a non-executable memory location. ASLR and DEP combine to highly improve Foxit Reader Security and provide a stable platform for enterprise, business and consumer, Foxit Reader users.
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