المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Advanced SystemCare PRO 3.7.3 Full with Serial Key

المغربي الجديد
08-02-2011, 06:07 PM

أحدث برنامج الصيانة والاصلاح ومسح الملفات الزائدة والتي انقطع عملها كما انه يعمل الكثير وباستعماله تتعرفون على مزاياه الكثيرة ويكفي ان نقول انه يضم اليه العديد من البرامج كبرنامج ازالة البرامج من جذورها وبرنامج حذف الفايروسات و.....
Advanced SystemCare PRO 3.7.3 Full with Serial Key

0IObit Advanced SystemCare is an All in One solution for cleaning and maintaining your computer for better overall system performance.

The interface is very simple, featuring only a few buttons, which makes it easy to get down to cleaning immediately (in fact, it automatically runs on start-up) and doesn't confuse you with multiple steps. Advanced SystemCare Pro provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities.

This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes Internet and download speeds, ensures personal security, and maintains maximum computer performance automatically. The interface of the new version Advanced SystemCare PRO 3.7.3 is very simple, featuring only a few buttons, which makes it easy to get down to cleaning immediately (in fact, it automatically runs on start-up) and doesn’t confuse you with multiple steps.

The Maintain Windows section focuses on four areas of maintenance: spyware removal, Registry cleaning, a privacy sweep, and deletion of junk files. The Diagnose System button provides system optimization tools, detects spyware, defragments your disk, and scans for hijacked Windows settings. In our tests the scan and clean for each of these areas took less than 10 minutes to complete. In many of these scans, it is difficult to tell what exactly is being accomplished by some of the tools, but we were able to test against other trusted apps, which confirmed Advanced SystemCare's efficacy in those areas.

Under the utilities section you are given several tools, which are similar to plug-ins, for other areas of optimization and diagnostic tests. Overall, Advanced SystemCare Free is a good way to maintain your system's speed and clear out junk files, but you'll need to remember to run it regularly because scheduling of scans is only available in the paid Pro version.

What's New in Advanced SystemCare Updates in v3.7.3:

Improved Registry Fix module
Removed NetworkMon beta
Fixed general bugs
Added NetworkMon Beta
Improved Defrag compatibility with SSD
Improved Registry Fix module
Improved update check
Fixed general bugs
Here I'm giving you Advanced SystemCare PRO 3.7.3 original serial key which was given away from IObit for promotion. Install the program and click on “Upgrade” button followed by “Enter License Key” as given below and then hit “Activate Now” button. If you having old version 3.7.0 with registration key, it'll not ask for new and upgrade to pro. If the key will not work than 1st install old version here and than install new one.

يعني لابد أن يكون في كل جهاز وأنا شخصيا أستخدمه من مدة وأثق فيه جدا جدا فهو الحامي المنظف المسرع المرتب بمعنى أنه الخادم الوفي ويعمل تحديث مباشر من الشركة الام ...كما أنه معتمد من المايكروسوفت وله عدة جوائز.
وإضافة لما ذطر فاني أضع لكم معلومات التسجيل وهي مجربة وبها فعلت وأفعل برنامجي:

Advanced SystemCare

Account Name: giveawayyzjbjw

License Code: 746F-746F-F0FF-2227

أبو يوسف
08-02-2011, 06:27 PM
جزاك الله خيرا أخي المغربي الاصيل

البرنامج رائع في تسريع الكمبيوتر لأنه يقوم بتنظيف الملفات الزائده والتي تعيق حركة الويندوز


حمد محمد
08-02-2011, 08:18 PM
˙܉܈։˙˙܉܈։˙غايه في الروعه˙܉܈։˙˙܉܈։˙ 

08-02-2011, 09:22 PM
تحفة رائعة جدا أستاذي المغربي
وتكفي فيها شهادتك
ننتظر إبداعاتك كماعودتنا
محبك أبو يحيى