المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : أسطوانة برامج محمولة بآخر الإصدارات WinPenPack 2

24-04-2011, 12:53 AM
نلتقي في يومنا الكريم مع تجميعية بها اقوى البرامج المحمولة بآخر الإصدارات و التحدياثات WinPenPack 2
WinPenPack 2
الإسطوانة مقسمة على ثلاثة أجزاء ( حوالى 275 MB )

الجزء الأول : 99 MB

الجزء الثانى: 95 MB

الجزء الثالث: 85 MB




تجميعية تحتوي على عدة برامج محمولة بآخر الاصدارات


Documents management
GUIPdftk + Pdftk (software toolkit which performs a range of manipulations on PDF files)
SumatraPDF (.pdf reader)
X-muCommander (file manager

X-OpenOffice.org (office suite, Microsoft Office open source alternative)
X-Scribus (desktop publishing)

Personal Information management
Money Manager Ex (finance manager software)
X-ANote (sticky-notes)
X-Planner (project management tool)
X-Sunbird (calendar with agenda functions)

Server - Windows GUI that manages as a stand-alone application an AMP environment:
Apache, MySQL and PHP)
X-FileZilla (FTP client)
X-Kompozer (Html editor for ************ pages creation)
X-WinSCP (secure FTP transfert)

JPEGView (image viewer)
X-Blender (3D graphics and animations)
X-Gimp (image manager and elaboration)
X-Inkscape (vectorial graphics)
X-PosteRazor (any dimension poster creation and print)
X-Zphoto (flash-based photo album generator)

X-MagicMailMonitor (mail monitor)
X-Thunderbird (e-mail client)
X-Pidgin (instant messenger with MSN, ICQ, AIM and much more compatibility)
X-Miranda IM (multipaltform instant messenger, with MSN, Jabber, Yahoo, AIM, ICQ compatibility)
X-xChat (client IRC)
X-Firefox (internet browser)
X-QuteCom (softphone which allows you to make free PC to PC video and voice calls, and to integrate all your IM contacts in one place)
X-RSSOwl (RSS reader)
X-WackGet (download manager)
X-WinHTTrack (************site copier)

Ant Movie Catalog
(movie manager that help you to manage a collection of movies DVD, CD, VideoCD, DivX, and tapes)
Checkmate Mp3 Checker (it can analize errors in Mp3 files)
X-Audacity (audio editor)
X-BonkEnc (CD ripper, audio encoder and converter for various formats)
X-CDex (CD Ripper, CDex can extract the data directly from an Audio CD)
X-CdDaXTractor (audio CD extractor)
X-EasyTag (utility for viewing and editing tags for MP3, MP2, MP4/AAC, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, MusePack, Monkey's Audio and WavPack files)
X-MP3Gain (analyzes and adjusts mp3 files so that they have the same volume)
X-MediaPlayerClassic (great Windows Media Player
X-VideoLAN (multimedia player)
X-DivFix++ (complete rewrite of "DivFix" program which tries to fix/rebuild AVI's index section for proper video play)
X-DivXRepair (DivX repair)
X-dvdisaster (CD/DVD data recovery)
X-VirtualDub (video editing, DivX included)
X-WinFF (video converter)
X-CdrTools FrontEnd (CD/DVD burner)
X-Juice (Podcast reader)
X-xVideoServiceThief (tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video *sites)

p2p - File sharing
X-DcPlusPlus (Direct Connect client)
X-Halite (Bit Torrent client)
X-HttpFileServer (file server, file sharing through )
X-MetMedic (.met files editor, p2p)
X-Mule (p2p)

Steganos LockNote (simple text writer with cryptation)
InstallFix Security Suite (privacy and security Windows tools)
X-ClamWin (antivirus)
X-Eraser (secure and programmable files and folder delete)
X-FreeOTFE (virtual disk creation protected by password)
X-KeePass (store and protect your passwords)
X-NeoCrypt (single/multiple files/folder cryptography)

Crystal CPUID (shows detailed information about the processor, chipset, bios and cache)
Crystal Disk Info (HDD health monitoring utility)
Daphne (task manager)
DiskCleaner (search and delete for temporary and unvailing files)
Drive Cleanup Wizard (permanently delete useless, .bak, .tmp, temporary internet files from the computer)
X-7Zip (file compressor/decompressor)
X-Abakt (backup tool)
X-DriverBackup! (drivers backup and restore)
X-JKDefrag (disk defragmentation tool)
JkDefragStarter (JKDefrag GUI)
X-ProcessController (real time process controller)
X-Pserv.cpl (active system services viewer)
X-StartupManager (program that provides you the possibility to manage the Windows startup procedure)
X-Synkron (allows to synchronize two differents hd or folders)
X-TightVNC (virtual network computing)
X-WinDirStat (disk usage statistics viewer)
X-xpy (allows to change some functions of Windows XP)

Regedt33 (advanced registry editor)
winMd5Sum (MD5 checksum calculator)
X-InnoSetup (installation setup creation)
X-ISTool (Innosetup plugin)
X-Notepad++ (text editor enhanched)
X-RapidSVN (Subversion client)
X-RegShot (allows to notice the differences in Windows registry following the installation of a program)
X-SciTE (text editor for developers)
X-UniExtract (allows to extract/show the content of setup.exe files)
X-UPX****************l (executable and .dll compressor)
X-WinMerge (visual text file differencing and merging tool)

Ant Renamer (files renamer)
Ditto portable (extension to the standard windows clipboard)
X-CamStudio (it allows to capture desktop activity and save it as .avi file)
X-Lightscreen (it allows to saving and catalog screenshots in .png, .jpg and .bmp format)
SpeedCrunch (calculator)
VirtuaWin (virtual desktop management)
X-AstroGrep (alternative hard disk files and folders searcher)
X-Magnifying Glass (magnificator glasses)
X-TaskSwitchXP (Windows task manager alternative)
X-Translate.Net (client to most popular translating services available online)
X-WeatherNotify (show weather in status bar or in a window)

X-Cafe (it allows you to open, with a double click of mouse, the documents with the programs of pendrive USB, without any change of Windows registry)
EjectUSB (utility to close all programs running from a specified drive and attempt ejection)

GNU Aspell
GTK+ for Windows
LAME Encoder
Java Runtime Environment (JRE)




المغربي الجديد
24-04-2011, 02:28 AM
جزاك الله كل خير
وبارك الله بك وفيك الى يوم الدين
اسطوانة تفتح النفس لما بها من برامج
لكن الروابط للاسف لا تعمل فقد تم حذف الاجزاء الثلاثة حسب الافادة
جعل الله عملك في ميزان حسناتك
تسلم الايادي

24-04-2011, 03:24 AM
حفظك الله اخي جمـال وشكـرا لك على الافادة ،،
فعـلا الروابط قـد تم محوها مع انني عندما جربتها وجدتها شغالة !!
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