أبو يوسف
05-05-2011, 05:15 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 315 Multilingual Portable
برنامج شهير لترجمة التطبيقات و البرامج في نسخة الشركات و الاعمال الاخيرة
عدل التطبيق الذي تريد بثلاث خطوات سهلة
افتح التطبيق بواسطة البرنامج و الذي يدعم :-
C++ Builder, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Turbo languages, Java, Windows binary files, HTML Help (.chm), XLIFF, or with .NET (incl. WPF).
و يعمل في بيئة
HTML, HTML Help (.chm) and XML و الملفات النصية
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 315 Multilingual Portable | 32.8 MB
Sisulizer can work directly with your C++ Builder, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Turbo languages, Java, Windows binary files, HTML Help (.chm), XLIFF, or with .NET (incl. WPF). Sisulizer is compatible with Windows Vista. The software works visually with HTML, and XML. Sisulizer can also grab text from text files and databases.
You determine which Windows resources you want to localize, including icons, menus, dialog boxes, strings, accelerators, versions, and manifest resources. Sisulizer also operates in the mobile world. The software supports .NET Compact Framework, Pocket PC, Symbian, and J2ME.
You have complete control over every word to be translated. You can begin the translation work yourself, and mark each phrase as translated properly, auto translated, translated by best guess, out for review, or complete. Use Sisulizers Exchange Wizard to create and send your translator a single file that contains a self installing Sisulizer Free Edition, along with your project file. When your translator has completed the translation, theyll run Exchange Wizard to create a single file that is sent back to you.
Now that your translator has finished translating all of your strings, and youve received your updated file, simply run Sisulizer to build the new version of your program in the new language. Its that easy! Youre in control throughout the project, and localization has never been simpler. Sisulizer easily handles all languages, including right to left and double byte languages. And the program keeps track of what has already been translated, making it fast and inexpensive for you to translate later versions of your application.
+ Enterprise features
Command line tool that helps to integrate Sisulizer into your build process.
Localize web apps written in ASP, JSP, and PHP.
Localize server databases
Use server based translation memory
Use machine translation engines
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 315 Multilingual Portable
برنامج شهير لترجمة التطبيقات و البرامج في نسخة الشركات و الاعمال الاخيرة
عدل التطبيق الذي تريد بثلاث خطوات سهلة
افتح التطبيق بواسطة البرنامج و الذي يدعم :-
C++ Builder, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Turbo languages, Java, Windows binary files, HTML Help (.chm), XLIFF, or with .NET (incl. WPF).
و يعمل في بيئة
HTML, HTML Help (.chm) and XML و الملفات النصية
Sisulizer Enterprise Edition 2010 Build 315 Multilingual Portable | 32.8 MB
Sisulizer can work directly with your C++ Builder, Delphi, C, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Turbo languages, Java, Windows binary files, HTML Help (.chm), XLIFF, or with .NET (incl. WPF). Sisulizer is compatible with Windows Vista. The software works visually with HTML, and XML. Sisulizer can also grab text from text files and databases.
You determine which Windows resources you want to localize, including icons, menus, dialog boxes, strings, accelerators, versions, and manifest resources. Sisulizer also operates in the mobile world. The software supports .NET Compact Framework, Pocket PC, Symbian, and J2ME.
You have complete control over every word to be translated. You can begin the translation work yourself, and mark each phrase as translated properly, auto translated, translated by best guess, out for review, or complete. Use Sisulizers Exchange Wizard to create and send your translator a single file that contains a self installing Sisulizer Free Edition, along with your project file. When your translator has completed the translation, theyll run Exchange Wizard to create a single file that is sent back to you.
Now that your translator has finished translating all of your strings, and youve received your updated file, simply run Sisulizer to build the new version of your program in the new language. Its that easy! Youre in control throughout the project, and localization has never been simpler. Sisulizer easily handles all languages, including right to left and double byte languages. And the program keeps track of what has already been translated, making it fast and inexpensive for you to translate later versions of your application.
+ Enterprise features
Command line tool that helps to integrate Sisulizer into your build process.
Localize web apps written in ASP, JSP, and PHP.
Localize server databases
Use server based translation memory
Use machine translation engines