المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : برنامج إصطياد الفيروسات المحمول TrustPort USB Antivirus 2011 v 11.0

21-05-2011, 10:23 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

برنامج إصطياد الفيروسات المحمول TrustPort USB Antivirus 2011 v.


TrustPort USB Antivirus 2011 - antivirus program, designed to secure data on USB flash drives. Being on a flash drive, antivirus scans all files for viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, which are copied to it. With the USB-connected storage device provides the ability to scan on demand, not only stick, but any files, folders or drives on your computer.
When it detects infected files, USB Antivirus handles them according to your settings: rename, delete or move to quarantine. Allows for testing of suspicious files in a safe space to pre-empt the spread of the introduction and spread of threats.

Opportunities TrustPort USB Antivirus 2011:
Antivirus and antispyware
Scanning on demand
Protecting data through encryption
Proactive Protection
Shredding (safe disposal of information)
Automatic Updates
The main functions of TrustPort USB Antivirus 2011:
Protection for access
After connecting the USB-drive to your computer, antivirus TrustPort USB Antivirus protects all files stored on it. This ensures that malware will not be stored on a flash drive, respectively, the user need not worry about the level of protection of the computer or removable media can become infected.

Proactive Protection
Critical point for all anti-virus is the time interval between the appearance of virus sample, sending it to experts and security update release. It is a period when computers are most vulnerable. To this end, anti-virus not only to detect the updated, but its heuristic analysis to identify the structure and behavior of the threats against them.
Scanning on demand
The user can also scan the computer that is connected to a flash drive c TrustPort USB Antivirus. If a threat is detected, it is on presets or renamed, or moved to the Recycle Bin, or deleted.
Automatic updates
Basis for the maximum protection against viruses and spyware is updated. Updates to TrustPort USB Antivirus leave regularly for the ultimate protection against the latest threats. USB Antivirus - a combination of high speed and high-level detection.

Encrypting data
The latest versions of TrustPort USB Antivirus has built-in data encryption. Encryption module allows you to encrypt any file for safe transfer to open communication channels
Shreddind information (safe disposal of information)
The latest versions of TrustPort USB Antivirus has built-in shreddinga information. The module allows shreddinga securely delete information from your computer or external drives (the function is used when dealing with classified documents)
Nevertheless, you get a highly functional and proven anti-virus and spyware protection for your flash-USB, and to scan computers that are not protected.
Operating systems: XP, Vista, 7
Language: Multi
Activation: Yes

=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====

TrustPort USB Antivirus 2011 v. Final
86.6 MB

http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/gmjxoi1jie.gif (http://www.fileserve.com/file/tUM4GqY/sf515.trustport.usb.antivirus.2011.v.11.rar)

http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/4aoq7krade.png (http://www.filesonic.com/file/1048227694/sf515.trustport.usb.antivirus.2011.v.11.rar)

:download1: (http://www.uploadstation.com/file/NRNqxd5/sf515.trustport.usb.antivirus.2011.v.11.rar)

أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة

ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم


أبو يوسف
21-05-2011, 10:47 PM
جزاك الله خيرا اخي ابو همام على التدخل السريع

المغربي الجديد
22-05-2011, 01:37 AM
جزاك الله كل خير
وبارك الله بك وفيك الى يوم الدين
برنامج رائع حسب الشرح
جاري التحميل للتجربة
جعل الله اعمالك في ميزان حسناتك
تسلم الايادي

26-05-2011, 08:24 PM
بارك الله فيكم إخواني على تواجدكم العطر وتواصلكم الجاد

سالم صلاح
26-05-2011, 08:31 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
جزاك الله خيرا اخي ابو همام على التدخل السريع

15-06-2011, 10:30 AM
شكرا ً لك على الطرح الرائع
الله يعطيك العافية تسلم الايادي على هذا الانتقاء
بارك الله فيك ووفقك ورعاك

أبو صخر
14-07-2011, 04:53 PM
جزاك الله كل خير أخي الكريم وبارك فيك وفي علمك وعملك وغفر لك ولوالديك

كل الشكر لك ولجهودك القيمة في اقتناء الافضل

الحارث بن فيصل
15-07-2011, 02:12 PM
:abc_025: شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية . :abc_025: