أبو يوسف
29-05-2011, 11:17 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Antivirus Live CD 8 in 1/25.05.2011
مجموعة برامج الحماية بآخر تحديثاتها ومتوافقة مع ويندوز سفن Compatible with Windows 7: full
Antivirus LiveCD 8 in 1 [25.05.2011] | 1.5 GB
Here, I decided to do a little assembly Antivirus in one place, from popular and not so. All versions up to date - May 25, 2011!
1. DrWeb LiveCD 6.00 (163 MB)
Disk System Recovery
Ifthe actions of malicious programs made it impossible to boot a computerrunning Windows or Unix, reset the affected system for free usingDr.Web LiveCD!
Dr.Web LiveCD will not only clean your computerfrom becoming infected and suspicious files, but also to copy sensitiveinformation to removable media or another computer, as well as attemptsto disinfect infected objects.
2. Kaspersky Rescue Disk 1910 (217 MB)
KasperskyRescue Disk 10 - Special program designed to scan and disinfectinfected x86 and x64-compatible computers. The program is used when theextent of infection, when it is not possible to cure your computer withantivirus programs or tools of treatment (eg, Kaspersky Virus RemovalTool), running under the operating system.
The effectiveness oftreatment is enhanced by the fact that in the system are maliciousprograms do not get control at boot time. While disaster recovery isavailable only to the problem of testing facilities and updatedatabases, as well as roll back updates and statistics.
3. AVG Rescue CD (92 MB)
AVGRescue CD - antivirus boot disk for recovery of Windows-systems thatare unable to boot own or have lost this ability due to virus infectionor malicious software.
4. Bitdefender Rescue CD (362 MB)
BitDefenderRescue CD scans and removes viruses and other malicious software on allhard drives before the operating system to load Windows. Boot disk forrecovery is used when the system can not be loaded or not workingproperly because the computer is infected with malware. This can happenif the computer was not installed antivirus.
5. Avira Antivir Rescue System (226 MB)
AviraAntivir Rescue System allows users to access data stored on yourcomputer if you can not boot the system. Thus, with the help of thisprogram, you can:
? restore a damaged system,
? save data
? scan for viruses and malicious programs.
6. ESET LiveCD (201 MB)
LiveCD ESET NOD32 - a boot disk with which you can quickly start your computer and recover the incapacitated operating system.
Inaddition, LiveCD ESET NOD32 will guarantee to remove viruses,potentially dangerous files and sophisticated malicious software, whichfailed to neutralize in normal mode.
7. F-Secure Recue-CD 3.11 (120 MB)
F-SecureRescue CD - antivirus rescue disk based on the operating system Linux,scans your computer and installs the extension. Virus for all filescontaining malware.
8. Vba32 Rescue
This product allows youto disarm the malicious (and suspicious) software on the userscomputer with the greatest effect. The scanning and treatment are maderegardless of the operating system installed on your computer. Due tothis, the malware will not be able to counteract the process ofneutralization.
1. Format the USB drive the program Hpusbfw.exe the file system FAT32.
Hpusbfw.exe program will also make flash drive bootable.
2. Unzip the contents of the distribution at the root of your stick.
3.Restart your computer and select in the BIOS to boot from USB or clickStartup F10 (F2, F12 or another key to select the boot device - dependson the motherboard).
If for any reason your flash drive did not boot, you can try to do the following:
1). Download http://download.gna.org/grubutil/grubinst-1.1-bin-w32-2008-01-01.zip
2). Apply grubinst_gui.exe to stick
Year: 2011
Version: 1 Build 0
Developer: Various
Bit depth: 32bit
Compatible with Windows 7: full
System requirements: PC-compatible computer
Mirror 1:
Mirror 2:
Mirror 3:
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Antivirus Live CD 8 in 1/25.05.2011
مجموعة برامج الحماية بآخر تحديثاتها ومتوافقة مع ويندوز سفن Compatible with Windows 7: full
Antivirus LiveCD 8 in 1 [25.05.2011] | 1.5 GB
Here, I decided to do a little assembly Antivirus in one place, from popular and not so. All versions up to date - May 25, 2011!
1. DrWeb LiveCD 6.00 (163 MB)
Disk System Recovery
Ifthe actions of malicious programs made it impossible to boot a computerrunning Windows or Unix, reset the affected system for free usingDr.Web LiveCD!
Dr.Web LiveCD will not only clean your computerfrom becoming infected and suspicious files, but also to copy sensitiveinformation to removable media or another computer, as well as attemptsto disinfect infected objects.
2. Kaspersky Rescue Disk 1910 (217 MB)
KasperskyRescue Disk 10 - Special program designed to scan and disinfectinfected x86 and x64-compatible computers. The program is used when theextent of infection, when it is not possible to cure your computer withantivirus programs or tools of treatment (eg, Kaspersky Virus RemovalTool), running under the operating system.
The effectiveness oftreatment is enhanced by the fact that in the system are maliciousprograms do not get control at boot time. While disaster recovery isavailable only to the problem of testing facilities and updatedatabases, as well as roll back updates and statistics.
3. AVG Rescue CD (92 MB)
AVGRescue CD - antivirus boot disk for recovery of Windows-systems thatare unable to boot own or have lost this ability due to virus infectionor malicious software.
4. Bitdefender Rescue CD (362 MB)
BitDefenderRescue CD scans and removes viruses and other malicious software on allhard drives before the operating system to load Windows. Boot disk forrecovery is used when the system can not be loaded or not workingproperly because the computer is infected with malware. This can happenif the computer was not installed antivirus.
5. Avira Antivir Rescue System (226 MB)
AviraAntivir Rescue System allows users to access data stored on yourcomputer if you can not boot the system. Thus, with the help of thisprogram, you can:
? restore a damaged system,
? save data
? scan for viruses and malicious programs.
6. ESET LiveCD (201 MB)
LiveCD ESET NOD32 - a boot disk with which you can quickly start your computer and recover the incapacitated operating system.
Inaddition, LiveCD ESET NOD32 will guarantee to remove viruses,potentially dangerous files and sophisticated malicious software, whichfailed to neutralize in normal mode.
7. F-Secure Recue-CD 3.11 (120 MB)
F-SecureRescue CD - antivirus rescue disk based on the operating system Linux,scans your computer and installs the extension. Virus for all filescontaining malware.
8. Vba32 Rescue
This product allows youto disarm the malicious (and suspicious) software on the userscomputer with the greatest effect. The scanning and treatment are maderegardless of the operating system installed on your computer. Due tothis, the malware will not be able to counteract the process ofneutralization.
1. Format the USB drive the program Hpusbfw.exe the file system FAT32.
Hpusbfw.exe program will also make flash drive bootable.
2. Unzip the contents of the distribution at the root of your stick.
3.Restart your computer and select in the BIOS to boot from USB or clickStartup F10 (F2, F12 or another key to select the boot device - dependson the motherboard).
If for any reason your flash drive did not boot, you can try to do the following:
1). Download http://download.gna.org/grubutil/grubinst-1.1-bin-w32-2008-01-01.zip
2). Apply grubinst_gui.exe to stick
Year: 2011
Version: 1 Build 0
Developer: Various
Bit depth: 32bit
Compatible with Windows 7: full
System requirements: PC-compatible computer
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Mirror 3: