03-06-2011, 07:19 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
خطوة بخطوة تعلم مايكروسوفت 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 Step by Step – Tutorial eBook
http://saved.im/mtgynzq3aghr/b49a67c2.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
Teach yourself exactly what you need to know about using Office Professional 2010-one step at a time! With STEP BY STEP, you build and practice new skills hands-on, at your own pace. Covering Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, Access, Publisher, and OneNote.
This book will help you learn the core features and capabilities needed to:
Create attractive documents, publications, and spreadsheets
Manage your e-mail, calendar, meetings, and communications
Put your business data to work
Develop and deliver great presentations
Organize your ideas and notes in one place
Connect, share, and accomplish more when working together
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
:download: (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
:MediaFire: (http://www.mediafire.com/file/y962wyoolfa7x18/MSOffice.StepbyStep_abc4web.net.rar)
:FileSonic: (http://www.filesonic.com/file/1103730594/MSOffice.StepbyStep.rar)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
خطوة بخطوة تعلم مايكروسوفت 2010 Microsoft Office 2010 Step by Step – Tutorial eBook
http://saved.im/mtgynzq3aghr/b49a67c2.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
Teach yourself exactly what you need to know about using Office Professional 2010-one step at a time! With STEP BY STEP, you build and practice new skills hands-on, at your own pace. Covering Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Excel, Access, Publisher, and OneNote.
This book will help you learn the core features and capabilities needed to:
Create attractive documents, publications, and spreadsheets
Manage your e-mail, calendar, meetings, and communications
Put your business data to work
Develop and deliver great presentations
Organize your ideas and notes in one place
Connect, share, and accomplish more when working together
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
:download: (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
:MediaFire: (http://www.mediafire.com/file/y962wyoolfa7x18/MSOffice.StepbyStep_abc4web.net.rar)
:FileSonic: (http://www.filesonic.com/file/1103730594/MSOffice.StepbyStep.rar)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم