29-07-2011, 12:58 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قالب رائع لمجلة جوملا للإصدارات الحديثة ZT Kaupi - Elegant Template 1.5 - 1.6 - 1.7
http://sizzweb.com/uploads/posts/2011-07/1311438612_2tqfh.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
القالب يدعم اللغة العربية ( تغيير إتجاه الكتابة والقوائم )
أماكن الموديلات
لمعاينة القالب
:abc4web: (http://joomla15.zootemplate.com/zt_kaupi/)
ZooTemplates’s widely known as a great solution source for anyone desiring to launch template websites.
Today, it’s our honored to deliver ZT Kaupi which help customers amazing looking template for their website in just a couple of click.
ZT Kaupi is ready for Joomla 1.5, Joomla1.6 and Joomla 1.7
Utilizing the tremendous feature of JV Headline, ZT Kaupi’s always fresh up by news, useful documentation and online help.
On the other hand, the support department - JV Contact Pro is intentionally added to build a professional but quick and modern channel with visitors.
Cover everything from design to creation, ZT Kaupi is firmly believed to provide customers a perfect chance to start their dynamic well-designed photo galleries.
Can be used for photo gallery, corporate, business, blog website...
Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
Mega Menu supported
100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 native
Smartphone template ready
Sobi2 and SobiPro template supports
RTL language support
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Tutorial + Detailed userguide
Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
Delivered with “QuickStart Package”
3 columns layout based template
32 module positions ready
Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome
Javascript, Css compression and Cache supported
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
Kaupi Full Package (48.34 MB)
:UploadStation: (http://uploading.com/files/faab8aef/zt_kaupi.zip/)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قالب رائع لمجلة جوملا للإصدارات الحديثة ZT Kaupi - Elegant Template 1.5 - 1.6 - 1.7
http://sizzweb.com/uploads/posts/2011-07/1311438612_2tqfh.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
القالب يدعم اللغة العربية ( تغيير إتجاه الكتابة والقوائم )
أماكن الموديلات
لمعاينة القالب
:abc4web: (http://joomla15.zootemplate.com/zt_kaupi/)
ZooTemplates’s widely known as a great solution source for anyone desiring to launch template websites.
Today, it’s our honored to deliver ZT Kaupi which help customers amazing looking template for their website in just a couple of click.
ZT Kaupi is ready for Joomla 1.5, Joomla1.6 and Joomla 1.7
Utilizing the tremendous feature of JV Headline, ZT Kaupi’s always fresh up by news, useful documentation and online help.
On the other hand, the support department - JV Contact Pro is intentionally added to build a professional but quick and modern channel with visitors.
Cover everything from design to creation, ZT Kaupi is firmly believed to provide customers a perfect chance to start their dynamic well-designed photo galleries.
Can be used for photo gallery, corporate, business, blog website...
Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
Mega Menu supported
100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 native
Smartphone template ready
Sobi2 and SobiPro template supports
RTL language support
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Tutorial + Detailed userguide
Delivered with source Adobe .PSD files
Delivered with “QuickStart Package”
3 columns layout based template
32 module positions ready
Compatible IE 7+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+, Chrome
Javascript, Css compression and Cache supported
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
Kaupi Full Package (48.34 MB)
:UploadStation: (http://uploading.com/files/faab8aef/zt_kaupi.zip/)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم