18-10-2011, 08:16 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قالب وورد بريس الرائع ThemeForest ChilliBox - Premium WordPress Theme
http://i32.fastpic.ru/big/2011/1018/5b/0127f752d7663104fef5a1cc5182c85b.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
hemeForest ChilliBox - Premium WordPress Theme
لمعاينة القالب
Quality over Quantity
You do not need 999 shortcodes! Half of them are useless and the other half represents the basic functions that are already in WordPress.
An overwhelming number of pseudo-extensions may confuse you.
Don’t be fooled! What you really need is a robust and reliable Theme that will help you succeed.
The Theme that has been well-thought-out and designed with today standards.
Extensive Support
Step by step video tutorials, with professional support center based on individual tickets.
Intelligent Admin Options
Our new Intelligent Admin Options Panel comes with ultimate functionality like a visual
shortcode generator built in your page editor or extensive admin options where you can
create and assign unlimited number of sidebars. There are planty of extentions that will be covered below.
Watch Admin Interface Guide video.
Visual Shortcode Generator. Just Point & Click.
With our new Visual Shortcode Generator everything becomes easier.
Forget about manually entering the code, forget about time-consuming shortcode search, now you can use Buttons built in your Editor!
In a few seconds you will be able to change the style of the list, insert contact form or style a button.
Furthermore, you can create a pricing table or even design your own page layout like this one.
Watch Shortcode Generator in action.
All shortcodes at your fingertips
Success Stories & Testimonials
List style & Inline formating
Contact Form & Infoboxes
Pricing Table & Services
Dividers, Tooltips & Quotes
Video & Buttons
And much more…
Widgets + Unlimited sidebars
Popular & Recent News
Popular & Recent Posts
Succes Storeis
Twitter Feed
Flickr Feed
Custom Menu
Custom Post Types
Gallery & Portfolio
Pricing Columns
Success Stories
5 phenomenal Sliders with Slides Manager to make it quick & easy
With innovative Sliders Manager your are able to create different unlimited number
of sliders for each page. Everything closes in 2 easy steps. Firstly create
your slides base, secondly select the page where you want to have a slider and that’s it!
You can reuse each slide on multiple pages, what is more you can change their order or
even change a slider type and our Theme will automagicaly do the hard work for you.
Preview Sliders Manager in action.
Services Manager
It’s as clever and as flexible functionality as Slides Manager mention above.
If you offer product and you want to list their features just create short info with title, url,
text and icon, than use it multiply times on your website! You can find examples of this feature at the top of this page.
Watch Services Manager in action.
Pricing Table Constructor
One of the most crucial business elements now can be build with easy.
Create unlimited “columns” with title, description, price and than combine them
with user friendly interface into one “pricing table”. Create unlimited pricing tables with different pricing columns on any page you want.
Watch Pricing Table Constructor in action.
Unlimited Galleries with Video support & Animation
We merge together gallery & portfolio functions to make it easier to use.
Our flexible solution give you opportunity to create and edit galleries or portfolio projects
with a few clicks and thanks to Media Library integration your can edit and manage all your images, movies and files in one place.
Preview amazing Galleries & Portfolio Manager in action.
Flexible Layout by EasyColumn System.
With EasyColumn System build in our themes you can manage layout of every page with a few clicks.
If you want to add sidebar to page just select where you want it to show – right/left – and choose sidebar.
With build in buttons you can divide your page to unlimited containers with two clicks.
Watch EasyColumn System in action.
Unlimited Sidebars with Sidebar Manager
Create new sidebar and assign it to any page or category you want.
This is an opportunity to put custom widgets on pages which are crucial for
business like contact form on portfolio or offer page. Now you can design special sidebars for each page with easy.
Watch how to add Unlimited Sidebars.
Complete control over the entire Design & Typography
Change background color and main elements color with one click! Super easy & super fast.
Change size, color and font of your H1 – H6 tags. And finaly paste premade buttons with one click.
To preview this functionality just open our theme and use top bar to change colors and fonts.
Cross Browser Compatible. Valid HTM & CSS
Integrated with Google Maps & Google Analytics ready
WordPress 3.1 ready
Compatible with WordPress 3.2 and up. No additional plugins required. Just install and you’re ready.
FREE PSD included
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
hemeForest ChilliBox - Premium WordPress Theme
169.27 MB
:wupload: (http://www.wupload.com/file/454138821/TF.CB.WP.rar)
:FileSonic: (http://www.filesonic.com/file/2626863861/TF.CB.WP.rar)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قالب وورد بريس الرائع ThemeForest ChilliBox - Premium WordPress Theme
http://i32.fastpic.ru/big/2011/1018/5b/0127f752d7663104fef5a1cc5182c85b.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
hemeForest ChilliBox - Premium WordPress Theme
لمعاينة القالب
Quality over Quantity
You do not need 999 shortcodes! Half of them are useless and the other half represents the basic functions that are already in WordPress.
An overwhelming number of pseudo-extensions may confuse you.
Don’t be fooled! What you really need is a robust and reliable Theme that will help you succeed.
The Theme that has been well-thought-out and designed with today standards.
Extensive Support
Step by step video tutorials, with professional support center based on individual tickets.
Intelligent Admin Options
Our new Intelligent Admin Options Panel comes with ultimate functionality like a visual
shortcode generator built in your page editor or extensive admin options where you can
create and assign unlimited number of sidebars. There are planty of extentions that will be covered below.
Watch Admin Interface Guide video.
Visual Shortcode Generator. Just Point & Click.
With our new Visual Shortcode Generator everything becomes easier.
Forget about manually entering the code, forget about time-consuming shortcode search, now you can use Buttons built in your Editor!
In a few seconds you will be able to change the style of the list, insert contact form or style a button.
Furthermore, you can create a pricing table or even design your own page layout like this one.
Watch Shortcode Generator in action.
All shortcodes at your fingertips
Success Stories & Testimonials
List style & Inline formating
Contact Form & Infoboxes
Pricing Table & Services
Dividers, Tooltips & Quotes
Video & Buttons
And much more…
Widgets + Unlimited sidebars
Popular & Recent News
Popular & Recent Posts
Succes Storeis
Twitter Feed
Flickr Feed
Custom Menu
Custom Post Types
Gallery & Portfolio
Pricing Columns
Success Stories
5 phenomenal Sliders with Slides Manager to make it quick & easy
With innovative Sliders Manager your are able to create different unlimited number
of sliders for each page. Everything closes in 2 easy steps. Firstly create
your slides base, secondly select the page where you want to have a slider and that’s it!
You can reuse each slide on multiple pages, what is more you can change their order or
even change a slider type and our Theme will automagicaly do the hard work for you.
Preview Sliders Manager in action.
Services Manager
It’s as clever and as flexible functionality as Slides Manager mention above.
If you offer product and you want to list their features just create short info with title, url,
text and icon, than use it multiply times on your website! You can find examples of this feature at the top of this page.
Watch Services Manager in action.
Pricing Table Constructor
One of the most crucial business elements now can be build with easy.
Create unlimited “columns” with title, description, price and than combine them
with user friendly interface into one “pricing table”. Create unlimited pricing tables with different pricing columns on any page you want.
Watch Pricing Table Constructor in action.
Unlimited Galleries with Video support & Animation
We merge together gallery & portfolio functions to make it easier to use.
Our flexible solution give you opportunity to create and edit galleries or portfolio projects
with a few clicks and thanks to Media Library integration your can edit and manage all your images, movies and files in one place.
Preview amazing Galleries & Portfolio Manager in action.
Flexible Layout by EasyColumn System.
With EasyColumn System build in our themes you can manage layout of every page with a few clicks.
If you want to add sidebar to page just select where you want it to show – right/left – and choose sidebar.
With build in buttons you can divide your page to unlimited containers with two clicks.
Watch EasyColumn System in action.
Unlimited Sidebars with Sidebar Manager
Create new sidebar and assign it to any page or category you want.
This is an opportunity to put custom widgets on pages which are crucial for
business like contact form on portfolio or offer page. Now you can design special sidebars for each page with easy.
Watch how to add Unlimited Sidebars.
Complete control over the entire Design & Typography
Change background color and main elements color with one click! Super easy & super fast.
Change size, color and font of your H1 – H6 tags. And finaly paste premade buttons with one click.
To preview this functionality just open our theme and use top bar to change colors and fonts.
Cross Browser Compatible. Valid HTM & CSS
Integrated with Google Maps & Google Analytics ready
WordPress 3.1 ready
Compatible with WordPress 3.2 and up. No additional plugins required. Just install and you’re ready.
FREE PSD included
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
hemeForest ChilliBox - Premium WordPress Theme
169.27 MB
:wupload: (http://www.wupload.com/file/454138821/TF.CB.WP.rar)
:FileSonic: (http://www.filesonic.com/file/2626863861/TF.CB.WP.rar)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم