27-10-2011, 11:15 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قالب Momentum الرائع لمجلة جوملا RT Momentum – October 2011 Joomla 1.5/1.7
http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss1.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
القالب يتميز بألوان متعددة
http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss2.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
وبه معرض صور رائع ومتطور
http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss3.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
هذا القالب للإصدارات 1.5 - 1.7
لمعاينة القالب
:JOOMLA: (http://demo.rockettheme.com/oct11/)
توزيع الموديلات (http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss6.jpg)
RT Momentum - October 2011 Joomla Template
Momentum, the October 2011 template release, combines an intricate graphical design
with the intuitive dynamics of RokGallery or RokStories, providing for a full scale background image,
rotatable and configurable via the module, RokGallery and Gantry administrative interfaces.
RokGallery is elegantly styled and featured, in addition to several other popular RocketTheme
Extensions such as RokTabs and RokNewsPager. Additionally, the standard selection of features,
such as the Gantry Framework and mobile support are also present.
Features and Screenshots
Joomla 1.5/1.7 versions
Color Chooser with Background Picker
RokGallery Powered Background Slideshow
Gantry Framework
6 Preset Styles
RocketTheme Extensions Styling
Custom Content Typography
Fusion & Splitmenu
Load Transitions
78 Module Positions
58 Module Variations
FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE7+ Compatible
W3C XHTML 1.0 / CSS Valid
NOTE: Gantry v3.1.17+, 3.2.11+ is required for Momentum to work correctly.
For more details on the Gantry Framework, please visit its Dedicated Website.
RokGallery Powered Background Slideshow
Transform the entire template into a dynamic, configurable slideshow via the intuitive, user friendly RokGallery infrastructure.
Use RoKGallery’s slideshow to rotate between main background images.
Color Chooser with Background Picker
A Color Chooser template uses CSS color values, combined with transparent overlay images,
to determine its color and style. Therefore, you can change the entire color scheme via the Gantry Administrator.
Background Picker
The Background Picker allows you to load a background image, either through RokGallery or the Joomla Media Manager.
Files Window: View all individual images from RokGallery
Galleries Window: View all galleries from RokGallery
Selection Window: Select the individual slice of a file
Media Manager: Load an image from the Media Manager
All images sources in the Adobe® Fireworks PNG format
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
Momentum Full Package (46.2 MB)
:UploadStation: (http://www.uploadstation.com/file/wKWEQrU/rt_momentum.zip)
:FileServe: (http://www.fileserve.com/file/N4YpnZD/rt_momentum.zip)
:FileSonic: (http://www.filesonic.com/file/2280744524)
:uploading: (http://uploading.com/files/7652358f/rt_momentum.zip/)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
قالب Momentum الرائع لمجلة جوملا RT Momentum – October 2011 Joomla 1.5/1.7
http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss1.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
القالب يتميز بألوان متعددة
http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss2.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
وبه معرض صور رائع ومتطور
http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss3.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
هذا القالب للإصدارات 1.5 - 1.7
لمعاينة القالب
:JOOMLA: (http://demo.rockettheme.com/oct11/)
توزيع الموديلات (http://www.rockettheme.com/images/joomla/details/momentum/ss6.jpg)
RT Momentum - October 2011 Joomla Template
Momentum, the October 2011 template release, combines an intricate graphical design
with the intuitive dynamics of RokGallery or RokStories, providing for a full scale background image,
rotatable and configurable via the module, RokGallery and Gantry administrative interfaces.
RokGallery is elegantly styled and featured, in addition to several other popular RocketTheme
Extensions such as RokTabs and RokNewsPager. Additionally, the standard selection of features,
such as the Gantry Framework and mobile support are also present.
Features and Screenshots
Joomla 1.5/1.7 versions
Color Chooser with Background Picker
RokGallery Powered Background Slideshow
Gantry Framework
6 Preset Styles
RocketTheme Extensions Styling
Custom Content Typography
Fusion & Splitmenu
Load Transitions
78 Module Positions
58 Module Variations
FF, Safari, Chrome, Opera, IE7+ Compatible
W3C XHTML 1.0 / CSS Valid
NOTE: Gantry v3.1.17+, 3.2.11+ is required for Momentum to work correctly.
For more details on the Gantry Framework, please visit its Dedicated Website.
RokGallery Powered Background Slideshow
Transform the entire template into a dynamic, configurable slideshow via the intuitive, user friendly RokGallery infrastructure.
Use RoKGallery’s slideshow to rotate between main background images.
Color Chooser with Background Picker
A Color Chooser template uses CSS color values, combined with transparent overlay images,
to determine its color and style. Therefore, you can change the entire color scheme via the Gantry Administrator.
Background Picker
The Background Picker allows you to load a background image, either through RokGallery or the Joomla Media Manager.
Files Window: View all individual images from RokGallery
Galleries Window: View all galleries from RokGallery
Selection Window: Select the individual slice of a file
Media Manager: Load an image from the Media Manager
All images sources in the Adobe® Fireworks PNG format
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
Momentum Full Package (46.2 MB)
:UploadStation: (http://www.uploadstation.com/file/wKWEQrU/rt_momentum.zip)
:FileServe: (http://www.fileserve.com/file/N4YpnZD/rt_momentum.zip)
:FileSonic: (http://www.filesonic.com/file/2280744524)
:uploading: (http://uploading.com/files/7652358f/rt_momentum.zip/)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم