المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : برنامج صيانة وتحسين أداء ويندوز 7 بإصداره الجديد Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager 4.1.9

24-12-2012, 08:50 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

برنامج صيانة وتحسين أداء ويندوز 7 بإصداره الجديد Yamicsoft Windows 7 Manager 4.1.9

http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-ydRHrU8e-i4/UBXqJKZUSvI/AAAAAAAAJRU/FggEM5B-Ww4/s1600/2e1vc5y.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)

http://www.yamicsoft.com/windows7manager/images/fullscreenshot.png (http://www.abc4web.net/)

http://screenshots.en.sftcdn.net/en/scrn/87000/87890/windows-7-manager-4.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)

البرنامج الاول والافضل لصيانة وتحسن اداء وندوز 7

حيث انه يعمل على زيادة سرعة نظام التشغيل ويعالج الاخطاء عن طريق استخدام اكثر من 30 اداة للتصليح والصيانة ويندوز 7

الذي يصل بالنظام بالصورة المثلى, ويساعدعلى تنظيف النوافذ ويزيد سرعة نظام لديك وتحسين نظام الامن ومواجهة كل التوقعات لديكم

والبرنامج يبين جميع المعلومات التفصيلية عن سير العمليات الموجودة بالحسوب الخاص بنا

يقوم البرنامج بتحرير قوائم السياق من الماوس بالتقر على الزر الأيمن

ويقوم البرنامج بتخصيص القوائم والإخطارات وغيرها

البرنامج أكثر من رائع وبه الكثير من المزايا ويستحق التجربة

Windows 7 Manager is a system utility that helps you optimize, tweak, repair and clean up Windows 7.

It will increase your system speed, eliminate system fault, improve system security, and meet all of your expectations.Windows 7 Manager is a system utility that helps you optimize, tweak, repair and clean up Windows 7. It will increase your system speed, eliminate system fault, improve system security, and meet all of your expectations.

Why Should I use Windows 7 Manager?
Windows 7 is the newest Operating System for home users and professionals alike. Windows 7 brings clarity to your world, so you can more safely and easily accomplish everyday tasks and instantly find what you want on your PC.

Windows 7 Manager is the powerful software tool to tweak and optimize your Windows 7, it bundles more than 30 different utilities in one and help your system faster and more stable, secure and personal!

Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine;Windows 7 Manager offers 1-clicking Cleaner cleans your system automatically; Repair Center helps you to fix various system problems.

Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed, tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance; Control what is started on Windows startup, check and repair the advanced starup items to restore the malicious change by viruses; Tune up and optimize system services and Task Schedule, turn off smartly some unnecessary system services and tasks to improve systemperformance.

Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Smart Uninstaller can fully delete programs from your system without residual files and Registry entries; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner checks and repair incorrectly linked Registry entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexes your Registry to reduce registry access time and therefore improve application responsiveness; Desktop Cleaner can clean useless icons and files on Desktop easily.

Customize the look of your system by tweaking system Explorer, Desktop, Start Menu, Taskbar and notification area; Create the quick startup items on Taskbar with the Jump List launcher; Tune upWindows 7 boot menu; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; Create the shortcut that executed quick on run dialog box. Visual Customizer can change system and file type icons, custom the logon background.

Improve system security by tweaking system components, UAC and login settings; Tune up System Restore options; Hide and restrict to access drives and programs; Encrypt/decrypt files, move system folders to safe locations; Undelete the files that accidentally deleted or formatted on disk; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; Hide, add or delete the Control Panel entries.

Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; Tweak your Internet Explorer easily; IP Switcher can switch your IP address easily on different networks; Edits the Hosts file to speed up surfing internet and permit only to access the specified Hosts.

Misc. Utilities:
Show the collection of Windows utilities; split and merge any files; Automatically back up files regularly using Super Copy. Registry Tools help you to operate Registry easily.

more info

تم تقديم نسخة سابقة فى هذه المشاركة

=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====


:Letitbit: (http://letitbit.net/download/57046.56a6814def6e5f1c2686046812d4/Windows_7_Manager_4.1.9.rar.html)

:RapidGator: (http://rapidgator.net/file/64713536/Windows_7_Manager_4.1.9.rar.html)

http://freakshare.com/images/freaksharelogo.png ( http://freakshare.com/files/u167c439/Windows-7-Manager-4.1.9.rar.html)

أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة

ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم


محمد بن أحمد أبو حذيفة
24-12-2012, 09:07 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
موفق بإذن الله ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

أبو يوسف
25-12-2012, 02:58 PM
بارك الله فيك أخي ابو همام على هذه الإصدارة الجديدة

البرنامج مشهور وهو متعدد الوظائف
