25-02-2013, 08:10 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
شباب مصريين يبتكرون نظام تشغيل جديد من بيئة لينكس SphinUX OS
المصريين دائما لديهم القدره على الابداع فى كل المجالات وقد قام مجموعة من الشباب المصرى بعمل نظام تشغيل جديد يشبه اللينكس بعض الشئ
وفى البدايه كان مبنيا على احد توزيعات اللينكس ولكهنم قاموا بتطويره واستخدام برمجيات مفتوحة المصدر والنظام يتمتع بالعديد من المزايا م
نها إدراج نظام تشفير ++XOR لزيادة الأمان في النظام، حيث انه يقوم بالتشفير عن طريق تقنية bit-4096 وهو ما يجعل مهمة اى هاكر شبه مستحيله او على الاقل صعبه جدا
والنظام سهل وسريع ولديه مظهر جذاب جدا بالاضافه الى انه امن ومستقر ويعمل على اقل الامكانيات ويوجد به العديد من البرامج المضافه تلقائيا
صور من داخل النظام
http://c.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/sphinux/screenshots/547460_340098409402852_1029915186_n.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net)
http://c.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/sphinux/screenshots/320328_340098479402845_518225049_n.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net)
http://c.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/sphinux/screenshots/554100_340098456069514_745418073_n.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net)
Sphinux Operating System - The First Egyptian OS Framework Technology.
Know about Sphinux / Why Sphinux is not just another Linux distribution?
1- New hybrid optimized minimal kernel with AI capabilities .
A powerful mix of 40% Debian kernel, 40% Hurd kernel and 20% our own Lightning Speed kernel.
Providing wide support for hardware drivers, very fast processing speed, cryptology operations and Artificial Intelligence.
Debian Linux kernel is responsible of interacting directly with the main system components while Hurd kernel dealing with cryptology and encryption layer as well as handing hardware components and Lightning Speed kernel deals mainly with memory addressing and mapping with artificial intelligence capabilities boosting the overall performance of the core system.
2- XOR++ encryption technology for more security.
The First Egyptian Encryption cypher.
Based on unbreakable “XOR the perfect cypher” avoiding it's problem with the huge encrypted message length, XOR++ configurable key length of 4096 bit and up to any key length encrypt your data without any troubles.
All your Sphinux OS session is fully encrypted with XOR++ technology, No one can even steal “sniff” and reveal any part of your data packets any more.
3- Five reasons to replace your old Operating System.
"Fast, Easy, Free, Stable and Secure"
Optimized small memory footprint and CPU usage. Live system with full 3D graphical effects and compositions runs on only 210 MB physical RAM.
Amazing improved performance for youtube playback, flash and other multimedia contents with increased applications and system performance let you easily do your tasks and work.
You do not have to invest more money in non sense hardware upgrades just to use modern, fast, easy, nice looking OS with great 3D graphics and composition effects.
Minimum system configuration: Only 256 MB RAM, 500 MHz CPU, 9GB disk space and 1 GB swap space.
4- Tons of integrated applications with almost zero configuration out of the box.
Without any extra configuration or settings hassles your applications are just ready to run after Sphinux installation.
Sphinux OS supports Debian repositories, Debian packaging system “.deb” and ALL Linux applications.
Sphinux will serve your needs whether you are a web / desktop programmer or developer, office user, graphic editor, publisher, kid or adult, teacher or student, multimedia author or fan, Internet guru or system administrator.
Tons of applications included serving following categories:
Development, Editors, Education, Games, Office, Multimedia, Internet, Graphics, Islamic Software, System and Utilities.
5- The possibilities for Sphinux cutting edge OS platform technology are endless.
Sphinux scalable, configurable and customizable platform technology makes it suitable to be implemented in various applications in our daily life, in work, school or governmental entities.
Ranging from entertainment and multimedia appliances, network security appliances, encryption devices, robotics platforms and Artificial Intelligence applications.
6- FREE life time support. Free OS updates
Fast update releases assuring more stability, higher performance, bug fixes and even newest hardware and technologies support.
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
:download: (http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sphinux/sphinux/Sphinux-0.1-rc2_32-bit.iso)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
شباب مصريين يبتكرون نظام تشغيل جديد من بيئة لينكس SphinUX OS
المصريين دائما لديهم القدره على الابداع فى كل المجالات وقد قام مجموعة من الشباب المصرى بعمل نظام تشغيل جديد يشبه اللينكس بعض الشئ
وفى البدايه كان مبنيا على احد توزيعات اللينكس ولكهنم قاموا بتطويره واستخدام برمجيات مفتوحة المصدر والنظام يتمتع بالعديد من المزايا م
نها إدراج نظام تشفير ++XOR لزيادة الأمان في النظام، حيث انه يقوم بالتشفير عن طريق تقنية bit-4096 وهو ما يجعل مهمة اى هاكر شبه مستحيله او على الاقل صعبه جدا
والنظام سهل وسريع ولديه مظهر جذاب جدا بالاضافه الى انه امن ومستقر ويعمل على اقل الامكانيات ويوجد به العديد من البرامج المضافه تلقائيا
صور من داخل النظام
http://c.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/sphinux/screenshots/547460_340098409402852_1029915186_n.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net)
http://c.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/sphinux/screenshots/320328_340098479402845_518225049_n.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net)
http://c.fsdn.com/con/app/proj/sphinux/screenshots/554100_340098456069514_745418073_n.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net)
Sphinux Operating System - The First Egyptian OS Framework Technology.
Know about Sphinux / Why Sphinux is not just another Linux distribution?
1- New hybrid optimized minimal kernel with AI capabilities .
A powerful mix of 40% Debian kernel, 40% Hurd kernel and 20% our own Lightning Speed kernel.
Providing wide support for hardware drivers, very fast processing speed, cryptology operations and Artificial Intelligence.
Debian Linux kernel is responsible of interacting directly with the main system components while Hurd kernel dealing with cryptology and encryption layer as well as handing hardware components and Lightning Speed kernel deals mainly with memory addressing and mapping with artificial intelligence capabilities boosting the overall performance of the core system.
2- XOR++ encryption technology for more security.
The First Egyptian Encryption cypher.
Based on unbreakable “XOR the perfect cypher” avoiding it's problem with the huge encrypted message length, XOR++ configurable key length of 4096 bit and up to any key length encrypt your data without any troubles.
All your Sphinux OS session is fully encrypted with XOR++ technology, No one can even steal “sniff” and reveal any part of your data packets any more.
3- Five reasons to replace your old Operating System.
"Fast, Easy, Free, Stable and Secure"
Optimized small memory footprint and CPU usage. Live system with full 3D graphical effects and compositions runs on only 210 MB physical RAM.
Amazing improved performance for youtube playback, flash and other multimedia contents with increased applications and system performance let you easily do your tasks and work.
You do not have to invest more money in non sense hardware upgrades just to use modern, fast, easy, nice looking OS with great 3D graphics and composition effects.
Minimum system configuration: Only 256 MB RAM, 500 MHz CPU, 9GB disk space and 1 GB swap space.
4- Tons of integrated applications with almost zero configuration out of the box.
Without any extra configuration or settings hassles your applications are just ready to run after Sphinux installation.
Sphinux OS supports Debian repositories, Debian packaging system “.deb” and ALL Linux applications.
Sphinux will serve your needs whether you are a web / desktop programmer or developer, office user, graphic editor, publisher, kid or adult, teacher or student, multimedia author or fan, Internet guru or system administrator.
Tons of applications included serving following categories:
Development, Editors, Education, Games, Office, Multimedia, Internet, Graphics, Islamic Software, System and Utilities.
5- The possibilities for Sphinux cutting edge OS platform technology are endless.
Sphinux scalable, configurable and customizable platform technology makes it suitable to be implemented in various applications in our daily life, in work, school or governmental entities.
Ranging from entertainment and multimedia appliances, network security appliances, encryption devices, robotics platforms and Artificial Intelligence applications.
6- FREE life time support. Free OS updates
Fast update releases assuring more stability, higher performance, bug fixes and even newest hardware and technologies support.
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
:download: (http://freefr.dl.sourceforge.net/project/sphinux/sphinux/Sphinux-0.1-rc2_32-bit.iso)
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم