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04-03-2013, 07:56 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
حول ملفات PDF الي جميع الصيغ التي تريد2.1.248 Coolutils Total PDF Converter
برنامج Coolutils total PDF converter يحول ملفات PDF إلى صيغ HTML ، DOC - Word ، text ، Excel ، CSV أو ملفات الصور (e.g. TIFF). عندما تكون في حاجة لتحويل ملفات PDF إلى أشكال أخرى أو PS الى PDF ، هذا البرنامج هو الخيار الأمثل لأنه سريع ، سهل التعامل معه ، دقيق ، لا يتطلب Adobe Acrobat ، يدعم صيغ كثيرة ولديه خيار batch option.
،يدعم اللغة العربية
http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/ouo2al6qslu0szz.png (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/g4shyw7umv2fsiz.png (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/tgduatpklwf3yjq.png (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
Coolutils Total PDF Converter 2.1.248 Multilingual | 16.5 MB
Total PDF Converter converts PDF files to HTML, DOC (Word), text, Excel, PostScript, CSV or image files (e.g. TIFF). When you need to convert PDF files to other formats or PS to PDF, Total PDF Converter is the ultimate choice. Why? Because, it's fast, easy-to-handle, accurate, doesn't require Adobe Acrobat, supports many target formats and has a batch option (can convert hundreds of PDF files as well as single files). In addition to this, registered users get command line support to manage the utility with maximum efficiency.
Other unique features of Total PDF Converter include:
• PDF Converter can save Adobe files as images (in JPEG format) and position several of them on one screen. This is especially useful for users of Sony PSP. Have your PDF files displayed on your TV in the way that suits you most. The pages can be displayed vertically, horizontally, even diagonally, with one, two, three or more pages on the screen.
• Total PDF Converter can also save conversion preferences. This means, for example, that you do not have to re-check "Change each page to a separate file" every time you convert PDF to TIFF.
• The tool will also give you the option of tsrating page numbering in the outout file from any numbers (e.g. "6,7,8,9", not just "1,2,3,4").
• Total PDF Converter also supports DPI and paper size for TIFF. This means that now you can select the quality and size of the output TIFF image. Choose from 75, 150 or 300 DPI or set your own. The page size can be A3, A4, A5, B4, B5 or Letter. As well as this, you can rename .tiff to .tif via the GUI and command line in the \PDF to TIFF conversion process.
• Total PDF Converter can convert multi-page PDF files to HTML and place each page in a separate HTML file.
Home Page - http://www.coolutils.com/.
سيريال التفعيل
0y1WvtUD2Tvu/YCL6xLsaSEyKO0AbM1lBPIxPVwsLLAuv7+VgdoeMEpgz+Czszv 6kFtgfi4cntW3sC6068CkxdZKOEUfe2i9B28M/sztjcCRwXIi3Q4EfOHYhbwZ6Y9atMUTfUNScaDmks1w5eEepA5 sYPcf5+aC++qqlhdW3LlI
:download: (http://uploaded.net/file/t56bdhws)
:download: (http://rapidgator.net/file/82587751)
:download: (http://extabit.com/file/29g2emagn4rct)
حول ملفات PDF الي جميع الصيغ التي تريد2.1.248 Coolutils Total PDF Converter
برنامج Coolutils total PDF converter يحول ملفات PDF إلى صيغ HTML ، DOC - Word ، text ، Excel ، CSV أو ملفات الصور (e.g. TIFF). عندما تكون في حاجة لتحويل ملفات PDF إلى أشكال أخرى أو PS الى PDF ، هذا البرنامج هو الخيار الأمثل لأنه سريع ، سهل التعامل معه ، دقيق ، لا يتطلب Adobe Acrobat ، يدعم صيغ كثيرة ولديه خيار batch option.
،يدعم اللغة العربية
http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/ouo2al6qslu0szz.png (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/g4shyw7umv2fsiz.png (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
http://www.abc4web.net/upload/images2/tgduatpklwf3yjq.png (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
Coolutils Total PDF Converter 2.1.248 Multilingual | 16.5 MB
Total PDF Converter converts PDF files to HTML, DOC (Word), text, Excel, PostScript, CSV or image files (e.g. TIFF). When you need to convert PDF files to other formats or PS to PDF, Total PDF Converter is the ultimate choice. Why? Because, it's fast, easy-to-handle, accurate, doesn't require Adobe Acrobat, supports many target formats and has a batch option (can convert hundreds of PDF files as well as single files). In addition to this, registered users get command line support to manage the utility with maximum efficiency.
Other unique features of Total PDF Converter include:
• PDF Converter can save Adobe files as images (in JPEG format) and position several of them on one screen. This is especially useful for users of Sony PSP. Have your PDF files displayed on your TV in the way that suits you most. The pages can be displayed vertically, horizontally, even diagonally, with one, two, three or more pages on the screen.
• Total PDF Converter can also save conversion preferences. This means, for example, that you do not have to re-check "Change each page to a separate file" every time you convert PDF to TIFF.
• The tool will also give you the option of tsrating page numbering in the outout file from any numbers (e.g. "6,7,8,9", not just "1,2,3,4").
• Total PDF Converter also supports DPI and paper size for TIFF. This means that now you can select the quality and size of the output TIFF image. Choose from 75, 150 or 300 DPI or set your own. The page size can be A3, A4, A5, B4, B5 or Letter. As well as this, you can rename .tiff to .tif via the GUI and command line in the \PDF to TIFF conversion process.
• Total PDF Converter can convert multi-page PDF files to HTML and place each page in a separate HTML file.
Home Page - http://www.coolutils.com/.
سيريال التفعيل
0y1WvtUD2Tvu/YCL6xLsaSEyKO0AbM1lBPIxPVwsLLAuv7+VgdoeMEpgz+Czszv 6kFtgfi4cntW3sC6068CkxdZKOEUfe2i9B28M/sztjcCRwXIi3Q4EfOHYhbwZ6Y9atMUTfUNScaDmks1w5eEepA5 sYPcf5+aC++qqlhdW3LlI
:download: (http://uploaded.net/file/t56bdhws)
:download: (http://rapidgator.net/file/82587751)
:download: (http://extabit.com/file/29g2emagn4rct)