03-04-2009, 07:55 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حياكم الله جميعا
طلب أحد الأخوة اسطوانات تعليمية لبرنامج الأوتوكاد للتصميمات المعمارية وثلاثية الأبعاد
وحيث أن أفضل دورات هى التى يقوم بها متخصصون فى هذا المجال أقدم له ولكم جميعا هذه الدورة القيمة
Lynda.com - AutoCAD 2009 Essential Training
محتوى الدورة التعليمية
1. The AutoCAD Interface
Understanding the model space 1:31 1.2 MB
Using the ribbon 3:14 3.5 MB
Using the menu browser 2:52 3.5 MB
Using the command line 1:46 1.4 MB
Activating the toolbars 1:41 1.9 MB
Leveraging dockable palettes 2:54 3.5 MB
Reading the Status bar 1:41 1.8 MB
Saving your workspace 2:25 2.3 MB
Customizing AutoCAD 4:06 8.2 MB
2. Opening, Viewing, and Saving Drawings
Opening an AutoCAD drawing 3:37 3.8 MB
Exercising mouse functions 2:11 2.1 MB
Zooming, panning, and regenning 5:05 6.2 MB
Working in a multiple-document environment 3:22 3.9 MB
Saving your work 2:25 2.7 MB
Saving time with templates 3:51 3.7 MB
3. Drawing Fundamentals
Drawing lines 3:32 3.3 MB
Maintaining accuracy with the Ortho and Polar modes 6:21 6.0 MB
Drawing circles 4:53 5.3 MB
Activating the heads-up display 3:33 3.2 MB
4. Controlling Drawing Units
Defining units of measure 5:44 6.1 MB
Drafting with architectural units 4:50 5.1 MB
Working with metric units 5:27 7.0 MB
5. Controlling Accuracy
Understanding Cartesian coordinates 5:34 3.9 MB
Maintaining accuracy with object snaps 9:59 12.4 MB
Automating object snaps 4:15 4.5 MB
6. Specialized Draw Commands
Drawing rectangles 4:45 5.4 MB
Drawing ellipses 5:10 5.6 MB
Organizing with hatch patterns 8:21 13.6 MB
Drawing polygons 3:51 4.6 MB
7. Primary Modifications
Moving and copying elements 6:19 7.1 MB
Rotating elements 5:06 5.4 MB
Creating offset lines 6:16 8.0 MB
Erasing elements 1:54 1.9 MB
Undoing and redoing actions 3:14 3.5 MB
8. Selecting Entities
Selecting elements with windows 4:39 5.0 MB
Removing elements from selections 3:13 3.5 MB
Using key-ins 3:36 4.4 MB
9. Making Major Changes
Trimming and extending elements 6:12 6.4 MB
Creating fillets 4:54 5.4 MB
Creating chamfers 4:55 6.1 MB
Creating patterned copies with arrays 6:45 10.0 MB
Creating mirror images 4:54 5.1 MB
Stretching elements 4:54 5.7 MB
Scaling elements 5:48 6.4 MB
Leveraging grips 6:50 6.3 MB
Exploding elements 3:41 3.3 MB
Joining elements 6:17 5.6 MB
10. Organizing Drawings
Understanding layers 2:49 2.5 MB
Organizing with the Layer Properties Manager 8:34 9.8 MB
Using layer control 3:49 4.1 MB
Understanding the ByLayer property 5:23 5.1 MB
Using the Layer Previous command 3:22 3.4 MB
11. General Annotation
Annotating with single-line text 3:54 3.7 MB
Justifying text 6:44 7.3 MB
Creating text styles 7:24 12.1 MB
Annotating with multi-line text 5:41 5.8 MB
Editing text 3:31 4.5 MB
Creating bulleted and numbered lists 4:48 4.2 MB
Inserting symbols 5:37 7.3 MB
Correcting spelling errors 5:18 8.5 MB
12. Dimensioning
Creating dimensions 7:11 8.9 MB
Creating dimension styles 6:04 11.4 MB
Inserting callouts 7:07 10.5 MB
Modifying dimensions 5:48 7.0 MB
13. Helpful AutoCAD Tools
Using the Distance command 3:14 3.1 MB
Modifying elements with the property changer 5:54 6.4 MB
Using the quick calculator 4:58 5.0 MB
14. Reusable Content
Creating and inserting blocks 9:38 11.6 MB
Leveraging blocks 5:26 5.4 MB
Redefining blocks 3:35 3.8 MB
Building your block library 6:41 6.2 MB
15. Plotting
Creating quick plots 7:37 14.5 MB
Selecting a pen table 5:22 10.4 MB
Using layouts pt. 1: Choosing paper size 4:38 4.6 MB
Using layouts pt. 2: Inserting a title block 4:20 5.1 MB
Using layouts pt. 3: Cutting viewports 8:49 10.9 MB
Importing layouts 5:08 5.0 MB
Calculating scale factors 3:54 2.5 MB
Sizing model space text 7:34 7.0 MB
Sizing model space dimensions 5:39 6.9 MB
Scaling linetypes 3:21 3.1 MB
16. Sharing Data
Saving in other formats 2:34 2.2 MB
E-transmitting drawings 3:08 4.0 MB
Plotting to the Design Web Format 3:45 4.7 MB
لمشاهدة بعض دروس الدورة من هنا
:dw4: (http://www.lynda.com/home/DisplayCourse.aspx?lpk2=657)
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
يتم تجميع الأجزاء باستخدام برنامج Hsplit
وهو متوفر فى قسم البرنامج
ولمشاهدة الفديو تحتاج الى برنامج QuickTime® 7.5 (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/) أو إصدار أحدث :abc_088:
أتمنى لكم المتعة والفائدة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
ترقبوا المزيد ان شاء الله تعالى
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حياكم الله جميعا
طلب أحد الأخوة اسطوانات تعليمية لبرنامج الأوتوكاد للتصميمات المعمارية وثلاثية الأبعاد
وحيث أن أفضل دورات هى التى يقوم بها متخصصون فى هذا المجال أقدم له ولكم جميعا هذه الدورة القيمة
Lynda.com - AutoCAD 2009 Essential Training
محتوى الدورة التعليمية
1. The AutoCAD Interface
Understanding the model space 1:31 1.2 MB
Using the ribbon 3:14 3.5 MB
Using the menu browser 2:52 3.5 MB
Using the command line 1:46 1.4 MB
Activating the toolbars 1:41 1.9 MB
Leveraging dockable palettes 2:54 3.5 MB
Reading the Status bar 1:41 1.8 MB
Saving your workspace 2:25 2.3 MB
Customizing AutoCAD 4:06 8.2 MB
2. Opening, Viewing, and Saving Drawings
Opening an AutoCAD drawing 3:37 3.8 MB
Exercising mouse functions 2:11 2.1 MB
Zooming, panning, and regenning 5:05 6.2 MB
Working in a multiple-document environment 3:22 3.9 MB
Saving your work 2:25 2.7 MB
Saving time with templates 3:51 3.7 MB
3. Drawing Fundamentals
Drawing lines 3:32 3.3 MB
Maintaining accuracy with the Ortho and Polar modes 6:21 6.0 MB
Drawing circles 4:53 5.3 MB
Activating the heads-up display 3:33 3.2 MB
4. Controlling Drawing Units
Defining units of measure 5:44 6.1 MB
Drafting with architectural units 4:50 5.1 MB
Working with metric units 5:27 7.0 MB
5. Controlling Accuracy
Understanding Cartesian coordinates 5:34 3.9 MB
Maintaining accuracy with object snaps 9:59 12.4 MB
Automating object snaps 4:15 4.5 MB
6. Specialized Draw Commands
Drawing rectangles 4:45 5.4 MB
Drawing ellipses 5:10 5.6 MB
Organizing with hatch patterns 8:21 13.6 MB
Drawing polygons 3:51 4.6 MB
7. Primary Modifications
Moving and copying elements 6:19 7.1 MB
Rotating elements 5:06 5.4 MB
Creating offset lines 6:16 8.0 MB
Erasing elements 1:54 1.9 MB
Undoing and redoing actions 3:14 3.5 MB
8. Selecting Entities
Selecting elements with windows 4:39 5.0 MB
Removing elements from selections 3:13 3.5 MB
Using key-ins 3:36 4.4 MB
9. Making Major Changes
Trimming and extending elements 6:12 6.4 MB
Creating fillets 4:54 5.4 MB
Creating chamfers 4:55 6.1 MB
Creating patterned copies with arrays 6:45 10.0 MB
Creating mirror images 4:54 5.1 MB
Stretching elements 4:54 5.7 MB
Scaling elements 5:48 6.4 MB
Leveraging grips 6:50 6.3 MB
Exploding elements 3:41 3.3 MB
Joining elements 6:17 5.6 MB
10. Organizing Drawings
Understanding layers 2:49 2.5 MB
Organizing with the Layer Properties Manager 8:34 9.8 MB
Using layer control 3:49 4.1 MB
Understanding the ByLayer property 5:23 5.1 MB
Using the Layer Previous command 3:22 3.4 MB
11. General Annotation
Annotating with single-line text 3:54 3.7 MB
Justifying text 6:44 7.3 MB
Creating text styles 7:24 12.1 MB
Annotating with multi-line text 5:41 5.8 MB
Editing text 3:31 4.5 MB
Creating bulleted and numbered lists 4:48 4.2 MB
Inserting symbols 5:37 7.3 MB
Correcting spelling errors 5:18 8.5 MB
12. Dimensioning
Creating dimensions 7:11 8.9 MB
Creating dimension styles 6:04 11.4 MB
Inserting callouts 7:07 10.5 MB
Modifying dimensions 5:48 7.0 MB
13. Helpful AutoCAD Tools
Using the Distance command 3:14 3.1 MB
Modifying elements with the property changer 5:54 6.4 MB
Using the quick calculator 4:58 5.0 MB
14. Reusable Content
Creating and inserting blocks 9:38 11.6 MB
Leveraging blocks 5:26 5.4 MB
Redefining blocks 3:35 3.8 MB
Building your block library 6:41 6.2 MB
15. Plotting
Creating quick plots 7:37 14.5 MB
Selecting a pen table 5:22 10.4 MB
Using layouts pt. 1: Choosing paper size 4:38 4.6 MB
Using layouts pt. 2: Inserting a title block 4:20 5.1 MB
Using layouts pt. 3: Cutting viewports 8:49 10.9 MB
Importing layouts 5:08 5.0 MB
Calculating scale factors 3:54 2.5 MB
Sizing model space text 7:34 7.0 MB
Sizing model space dimensions 5:39 6.9 MB
Scaling linetypes 3:21 3.1 MB
16. Sharing Data
Saving in other formats 2:34 2.2 MB
E-transmitting drawings 3:08 4.0 MB
Plotting to the Design Web Format 3:45 4.7 MB
لمشاهدة بعض دروس الدورة من هنا
:dw4: (http://www.lynda.com/home/DisplayCourse.aspx?lpk2=657)
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
يتم تجميع الأجزاء باستخدام برنامج Hsplit
وهو متوفر فى قسم البرنامج
ولمشاهدة الفديو تحتاج الى برنامج QuickTime® 7.5 (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/download/) أو إصدار أحدث :abc_088:
أتمنى لكم المتعة والفائدة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
ترقبوا المزيد ان شاء الله تعالى