مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : ما سبب bump phiscal memory
نرجس الزهراء
24-04-2013, 10:11 AM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ....
عند ربط اللابتوب بالشبكة بعض الاحيان تظهر شاشة زرقاء ومكتوب بها ......bump phiscal memory على الرغم اني اعمل على التصفح فقط ولم افتح اي برنامج اخر...
جزيتم خيرا:abc_102::abc_102:
أبو فارس
24-04-2013, 06:21 PM
هنا حل لمشكلتك ، فقط أطفئي السماعات لأن الصوت موسيقى وليس به شرح
أبو يوسف
24-04-2013, 07:33 PM
أنا لا أنصح باستخدام البرامج الدعائية وخصوصا تلك التي تقول أنها تصلح ملفات السيستم ولكن هناك طريقة مجربة حاول ترجمتها وافعل كمل هو مطلوب
how to fix the “physical memory dump” error in windows 7
physical memory dump error is a type of blue screen of death error which occurs when windows detects a hardware problem or probably a software glitch. The error could also occur after you upgrade to a new windows version or due to viruses, video drivers, and corrupt registry among other reasons. After windows detects a physical memory dump error, it shows the infamous blue screen error, eventually shutting down the computer to save itself from further damage.
Step 1
uninstall and reinstall drivers. Click the start button> type “devmgmt” in the start search bar> right click devmgmt.exe and select run as administrator. If uac is enabled, you will be prompted to enter your admin password. Enter the password and continue. In the device manager window, look for video driver software, right click it and then click uninstall. Confirm the action when prompted. Shut down your computer and restart. Windows will automatically find and install the required driver software.
Step 2
instead of shutting down your computer after you click uninstall, you can simply right click anywhere on the blank (white space) and click scan for hardware changes. Windows will now automatically scan for the uninstalled drivers and reinstall them. If the problem persists, visit the video card manufacturer’s website and manually download all the drivers. Update them and get going.
Step 3
check the power supply connection and make sure that it’s not disconnected or damaged. If the connection is fine, plug out the power cable from your computer and other devices to start a power cycle. Wait for 30-40 seconds and then plug the power cable(s) back into the computer and other devices.
Step 4
check your ram modules and replace any default one. Corrupt registry with damaged and empty registry keys (of uninstalled programs) creates a problem and causes this error. Back up your registry first so that you can roll back any unfavorable changes. Run a registry cleaner tool and clean up the registry errors.
Step 5
right click computer> select properties> click settings> click the advanced tab> change button. Click the custom size button, check the box beside initial size, and set the page file size to 0. Now click the maximum size box and set the file size to 0. Click set and then reboot your computer to start running a defragment. When done, go back to custom size settings and change the maximum size for file to 1.5. Click the set button again and reboot your computer. This should fix any problem with page formats and the physical memory dump error also.
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