19-09-2013, 10:00 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
http://blog.gerardin.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/mac-logo.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
برنامج تصميم المجلات والجرائد لنظام الماك QuarkXPress v9.5.3 Multilingual-Mac OSX
http://i59.fastpic.ru/big/2013/0919/8e/3d86edf3f62e7668a985f961d3a57b8e.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
البرنامج مخصص للتصاميم, كتصاميم الكتب والمجلات والجرايد, وايضا لتصاميم الويب
فالبرنامج يعتمد عليه مصممو النشر المكتبي والمطابع المتخصصة
داعم لجميع اللغات اي أيضا العربية
QuarkXPress v9.5.3 Multilingual-Mac OSX | 920MB
QuarkXPress is powerful layout software with an intuitive, versatile interface that lets you combine writing, editing, and typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output.QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, typesetters, printers, corporate publishers, design firms, catalog houses, book publishers, and form designers. It is also used by businesses with publishing requirements.
When in the 1980's desktop publishing systems have appeared only in the role of publisher could feel myself any user . Each person could put his thoughts on paper and talk about them around the world. If you have already worked with QuarkXPress or just planning to get acquainted with this program , you'll understand what I mean . QuarkXPress has become the most popular desktop publishing system in the world . Professionals have turned this program into the present standard in the training of magazines, newspapers and directories. This program - a great tool to create books with support functions such as creating subject indexes , tables of contents , etc.
Attention is invited to everything you need to produce high-quality page layouts and excellent production of printed materials. The new version of the package offers a number of new tools . For example, a tool called Picture Content Tool, Item Tool and Text Content Tool allow experts to move, rotate and resize images, snippets of text and other page elements without having to enter numbers into the appropriate fields and switching between different tools . Metamorphosed Product's user interface now includes buttons for quick access to master pages and exporting them in formats PDF, EPS, SWF , and HTML, as updated context menus have become more accessible and functional.
In the new QuarkXPress from Quark Interactive Designer migrated tool for inclusion in the draft interactive content : audio, video, animation . Designers can distribute their projects via the Internet or through Flash technology without having to purchase additional applications and for programming skills. It is also worth noting the import Adobe Illustrator files and PDF 1.7, an improved job with style, the new Guide Manager Pro to work with runners .
QuarkXPress 9 supports over 30 languages , and this feature is implemented in all language versions of the program. All versions have dictionaries , hyphenation for 30 languages , as well as full support for Asian languages .
Inspired by the designer's passion for perfection , QuarkXPress 9 pack changes the way creative professionals work . Strive to do better and constantly improve - employ page-layout and design , created to help you achieve your goals.
Feel the excitement of design using the intuitive interface QuarkXPress 9. Not being distracted from the tasks performed , a powerful creative toolset to help you easily create what you do best - design .
Launch QuarkXPress 9 and draw on the confidence of more than two decades of experience from a pioneer in the field of software products for layout and design. Through continued innovation, QuarkXPress now gives you an intuitive interface , the ability to design across media , and precise typographic control to implement it .
You 're the expert - design your way. QuarkXPress 9 introduces designer- driven typography to create stunning text. Characters and advanced baseline grids along with Unicode and OpenType , gives you the opportunity to achieve the desired effect.
Step Forward
QuarkXPress 9 is an excellent tool for prepress , but for us as for you, now is not enough. Be adventurous Use , which you have the knowledge and built-in Web authoring and Flash tools, print content across media . No need to purchase additional packages or programming
Familiar environment
While everyone will enjoy the simplicity and advanced features QuarkXPress 9 , current QuarkXPress users will appreciate the familiar work space with elements such as menus , palettes and dialog boxes.
Now, designers can:
To feel the freedom of using the new intuitive interface of QuarkXPress 9 .
Use the built-in Web authoring and Flash tools, print content across media .
To create stunningly decorated texts , using designer -provided control over the typography .
Work faster and more efficiently with the help of Illustrator file import and support for Photoshop ; improved tools for working with images , illustrations and text , fully customizable control characters; advanced baseline grids , and other features.
To publish around the world, with dictionaries and hyphenation for more than 30 languages, using a single file format, open and print a project created anywhere in the world in QuarkXPress 9, and set the high quality of the East Asia layout and typography .
Features :
Intuitive interface
Built-in Web and Flash authoring tools
Creating incredible sformlennyh texts through its control over typography
Importing Adobe Illustrator files and support for Adobe Photoshop
Improved tools for working with images, illustrations and text
Fully customizable control symbols
advanced baseline grids
The use of dictionaries and hyphenation
Support for more than 30 languages
And many other features
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
QuarkXPress v9.5.3 Multilingual-Mac OSX
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
http://blog.gerardin.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/mac-logo.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
برنامج تصميم المجلات والجرائد لنظام الماك QuarkXPress v9.5.3 Multilingual-Mac OSX
http://i59.fastpic.ru/big/2013/0919/8e/3d86edf3f62e7668a985f961d3a57b8e.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
البرنامج مخصص للتصاميم, كتصاميم الكتب والمجلات والجرايد, وايضا لتصاميم الويب
فالبرنامج يعتمد عليه مصممو النشر المكتبي والمطابع المتخصصة
داعم لجميع اللغات اي أيضا العربية
QuarkXPress v9.5.3 Multilingual-Mac OSX | 920MB
QuarkXPress is powerful layout software with an intuitive, versatile interface that lets you combine writing, editing, and typography with color and pictures to produce dynamic final output.QuarkXPress is widely used by magazines, newspapers, advertising agencies, typesetters, printers, corporate publishers, design firms, catalog houses, book publishers, and form designers. It is also used by businesses with publishing requirements.
When in the 1980's desktop publishing systems have appeared only in the role of publisher could feel myself any user . Each person could put his thoughts on paper and talk about them around the world. If you have already worked with QuarkXPress or just planning to get acquainted with this program , you'll understand what I mean . QuarkXPress has become the most popular desktop publishing system in the world . Professionals have turned this program into the present standard in the training of magazines, newspapers and directories. This program - a great tool to create books with support functions such as creating subject indexes , tables of contents , etc.
Attention is invited to everything you need to produce high-quality page layouts and excellent production of printed materials. The new version of the package offers a number of new tools . For example, a tool called Picture Content Tool, Item Tool and Text Content Tool allow experts to move, rotate and resize images, snippets of text and other page elements without having to enter numbers into the appropriate fields and switching between different tools . Metamorphosed Product's user interface now includes buttons for quick access to master pages and exporting them in formats PDF, EPS, SWF , and HTML, as updated context menus have become more accessible and functional.
In the new QuarkXPress from Quark Interactive Designer migrated tool for inclusion in the draft interactive content : audio, video, animation . Designers can distribute their projects via the Internet or through Flash technology without having to purchase additional applications and for programming skills. It is also worth noting the import Adobe Illustrator files and PDF 1.7, an improved job with style, the new Guide Manager Pro to work with runners .
QuarkXPress 9 supports over 30 languages , and this feature is implemented in all language versions of the program. All versions have dictionaries , hyphenation for 30 languages , as well as full support for Asian languages .
Inspired by the designer's passion for perfection , QuarkXPress 9 pack changes the way creative professionals work . Strive to do better and constantly improve - employ page-layout and design , created to help you achieve your goals.
Feel the excitement of design using the intuitive interface QuarkXPress 9. Not being distracted from the tasks performed , a powerful creative toolset to help you easily create what you do best - design .
Launch QuarkXPress 9 and draw on the confidence of more than two decades of experience from a pioneer in the field of software products for layout and design. Through continued innovation, QuarkXPress now gives you an intuitive interface , the ability to design across media , and precise typographic control to implement it .
You 're the expert - design your way. QuarkXPress 9 introduces designer- driven typography to create stunning text. Characters and advanced baseline grids along with Unicode and OpenType , gives you the opportunity to achieve the desired effect.
Step Forward
QuarkXPress 9 is an excellent tool for prepress , but for us as for you, now is not enough. Be adventurous Use , which you have the knowledge and built-in Web authoring and Flash tools, print content across media . No need to purchase additional packages or programming
Familiar environment
While everyone will enjoy the simplicity and advanced features QuarkXPress 9 , current QuarkXPress users will appreciate the familiar work space with elements such as menus , palettes and dialog boxes.
Now, designers can:
To feel the freedom of using the new intuitive interface of QuarkXPress 9 .
Use the built-in Web authoring and Flash tools, print content across media .
To create stunningly decorated texts , using designer -provided control over the typography .
Work faster and more efficiently with the help of Illustrator file import and support for Photoshop ; improved tools for working with images , illustrations and text , fully customizable control characters; advanced baseline grids , and other features.
To publish around the world, with dictionaries and hyphenation for more than 30 languages, using a single file format, open and print a project created anywhere in the world in QuarkXPress 9, and set the high quality of the East Asia layout and typography .
Features :
Intuitive interface
Built-in Web and Flash authoring tools
Creating incredible sformlennyh texts through its control over typography
Importing Adobe Illustrator files and support for Adobe Photoshop
Improved tools for working with images, illustrations and text
Fully customizable control symbols
advanced baseline grids
The use of dictionaries and hyphenation
Support for more than 30 languages
And many other features
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
QuarkXPress v9.5.3 Multilingual-Mac OSX
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم