01-06-2014, 09:57 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
برنامج صيانة وإعادة تهيئة القرص الصلب Acronis Disk Director 12 Build 12.0.3219 Final
http://i61.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0601/fc/fe67e209e70ec03c69dcccfbab8946fc.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
برنامج Acronis Disk Director هو نسخة حديثة وجديدة تجمع أكثر من ميزة لإدارة القرص الصلب.
إذا كنت جادا في تعظيم استخدام القرص وسلامة البيانات، فإنه لم يكن من السهل إنشاء أقسام القرص الصلب أو تغيير حجم أو نقل أو دمج أقسام دون فقدان البيانات.
يتضمن برنامج Acronis Disk Director ميزات جديدة قوية مثل الدعم الكامل لويندوز ® 8 ، القرص الحيوي ودعم القرص GPT، والتي تمتد وحدة تخزين عبر أقراص متعددة وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.
التنصيب والتسجيل
أثناء التنصيب إستخدم لوحة المفاتيح لنسخ ولصق أرقام التسجيل
Ctrl + C للنسخ بعد التظليل طبعا
Ctrl + V للصق السريال
وذلك للسيريال الأول والثاني وهما موجودان فى الملف النصي المرفق مع البرنامج
https://kb.acronis.com/system/files/content/2014/03/46985/a4374.png (http://www.abc4web.net/)
http://www.softwarecrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/AcronisDiskDirector12.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
وكذلك تستطيع الحصول على إسطوانة ذاتية التشغيل من خلال البرنامج بعد التنصيب
Acronis Disk Director 12 Build 12.0.3219 Final - AT-TEAM | 250MB
Acronis Disk Director is an all-new version of the most feature-rich disk management product available. If you're serious about maximizing disk use and data safety, it's never been easier to create hard disk partitions or resize, move or merge partitions without data loss. Acronis Disk Director includes powerful new features like Windows® 8 support, Dynamic Disk and GPT disk support, spanning a volume across multiple disks and much more.
Manipulate - Manage your data, whether you are splitting, resizing, converting or merging volumes. Create, convert and copy files and volumes as needed.
Partition - Mapping hard drives and creating partitions are made easy, allowing you to do more in less time. Format, label and make your partitions active in one easy step reducing time spent and risk of errors.
Format - Let Acronis Disk Director make complex operations easy and more efficient with an intuitively designed user interface. Format your drive with the correct file system, whether FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Exts, Ext3, Reiser3, Linux, SWAP.
Recover - Volume recovery is an easy to use tool that lets you recover volumes that were accidentally deleted or damaged due to a hardware failure.
Clone - Clone disk to a replacement HDD. No need to spend hours installing your old disk's operating system and applications. Disk cloning returns you to action on the new disk in just minutes
Install - The ability to SPLIT your existing single volume into two volumes, and install a second operating system into the second volume.
Convert - As your requirements change, you can quickly convert between basic and dynamic disks in just moments.
Span - Span volume across multiple physical disks - Supports up to 32 disks.
Access - Acronis Disk Editor allows direct byte accessing and editing capabilities on your disk.
Boot - Boot from a CD/DVD or USB drive without having any operating system installed.
Additional Features:
- Browse through detailed information about all hard disks, partitions, and file systems
- Explore partition data before performing partitioning operations
- Hide or make visible partitions of any type
- Format partitions
- Automatically optimize hard disk space usage
- Preview changes made in a partition layout before applying them to disk
Install notes:
- During installation (using Ctrl + c -> Ctrl + V) paste (Key 1) file Serial.txt
- Click on Next (using Ctrl + c -> Ctrl + V) paste in the lower field (Key 2) file Serial.txt
- Click on Next -> finish the installation, do not run the program
- The installation of a firewall block the program (file Acronis Disk Director and Acronis Disk Director 12)
- Run the program
http://www.abc4web.net/uploaded/1_11377617704.png (http://www.abc4web.net/)
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
برنامج صيانة وإعادة تهيئة القرص الصلب Acronis Disk Director 12 Build 12.0.3219 Final
http://i61.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0601/fc/fe67e209e70ec03c69dcccfbab8946fc.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
برنامج Acronis Disk Director هو نسخة حديثة وجديدة تجمع أكثر من ميزة لإدارة القرص الصلب.
إذا كنت جادا في تعظيم استخدام القرص وسلامة البيانات، فإنه لم يكن من السهل إنشاء أقسام القرص الصلب أو تغيير حجم أو نقل أو دمج أقسام دون فقدان البيانات.
يتضمن برنامج Acronis Disk Director ميزات جديدة قوية مثل الدعم الكامل لويندوز ® 8 ، القرص الحيوي ودعم القرص GPT، والتي تمتد وحدة تخزين عبر أقراص متعددة وأكثر من ذلك بكثير.
التنصيب والتسجيل
أثناء التنصيب إستخدم لوحة المفاتيح لنسخ ولصق أرقام التسجيل
Ctrl + C للنسخ بعد التظليل طبعا
Ctrl + V للصق السريال
وذلك للسيريال الأول والثاني وهما موجودان فى الملف النصي المرفق مع البرنامج
https://kb.acronis.com/system/files/content/2014/03/46985/a4374.png (http://www.abc4web.net/)
http://www.softwarecrew.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/AcronisDiskDirector12.jpg (http://www.abc4web.net/)
وكذلك تستطيع الحصول على إسطوانة ذاتية التشغيل من خلال البرنامج بعد التنصيب
Acronis Disk Director 12 Build 12.0.3219 Final - AT-TEAM | 250MB
Acronis Disk Director is an all-new version of the most feature-rich disk management product available. If you're serious about maximizing disk use and data safety, it's never been easier to create hard disk partitions or resize, move or merge partitions without data loss. Acronis Disk Director includes powerful new features like Windows® 8 support, Dynamic Disk and GPT disk support, spanning a volume across multiple disks and much more.
Manipulate - Manage your data, whether you are splitting, resizing, converting or merging volumes. Create, convert and copy files and volumes as needed.
Partition - Mapping hard drives and creating partitions are made easy, allowing you to do more in less time. Format, label and make your partitions active in one easy step reducing time spent and risk of errors.
Format - Let Acronis Disk Director make complex operations easy and more efficient with an intuitively designed user interface. Format your drive with the correct file system, whether FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, Exts, Ext3, Reiser3, Linux, SWAP.
Recover - Volume recovery is an easy to use tool that lets you recover volumes that were accidentally deleted or damaged due to a hardware failure.
Clone - Clone disk to a replacement HDD. No need to spend hours installing your old disk's operating system and applications. Disk cloning returns you to action on the new disk in just minutes
Install - The ability to SPLIT your existing single volume into two volumes, and install a second operating system into the second volume.
Convert - As your requirements change, you can quickly convert between basic and dynamic disks in just moments.
Span - Span volume across multiple physical disks - Supports up to 32 disks.
Access - Acronis Disk Editor allows direct byte accessing and editing capabilities on your disk.
Boot - Boot from a CD/DVD or USB drive without having any operating system installed.
Additional Features:
- Browse through detailed information about all hard disks, partitions, and file systems
- Explore partition data before performing partitioning operations
- Hide or make visible partitions of any type
- Format partitions
- Automatically optimize hard disk space usage
- Preview changes made in a partition layout before applying them to disk
Install notes:
- During installation (using Ctrl + c -> Ctrl + V) paste (Key 1) file Serial.txt
- Click on Next (using Ctrl + c -> Ctrl + V) paste in the lower field (Key 2) file Serial.txt
- Click on Next -> finish the installation, do not run the program
- The installation of a firewall block the program (file Acronis Disk Director and Acronis Disk Director 12)
- Run the program
http://www.abc4web.net/uploaded/1_11377617704.png (http://www.abc4web.net/)
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم