المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تجميعة الإضافات لبرنامج فوتوشوب Ultimate Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins Bundle 2014

06-08-2014, 09:44 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

تجميعة الإضافات لبرنامج فوتوشوب Ultimate Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins Bundle 2014 DC 02.2014


تجميعة رائعة من الإضافات الرائعة والإحترافية للفوتوشوب للتعديل على الصور وإضافة المؤثرات


Ultimate Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins Bundle 2014 will provide you with the most complete & organized Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins collection, which include the latest editions for each set. I ensure you that each set that I have included in this bundle will give you the latest update of them. In addition, I assure you that each set contained in this bundle will work like a charm for your Adobe Photohop.

ADPTools (New!)
* RepaintMyImage 1.1
* IDRMyImage 2.2
* DeblurMyImage 2.2
* DenoiseMyImage 3.2
* SignMyImage 4.1

Alien Skin Software Plug-ins Bundle (04.12.2013)
* Alien Skin Snap Art for Photoshop (x86/x64)
* Alien Skin Blow Up (x86/x64)
* Alien Skin Bokeh Standalone & Photoshop Plugin (x86/x64)
* Alien Skin Exposure (x86/x64)
* Alien Skin Eye Candy (x86/x64)

* Altostorm Panorama Corrector 2.1 for Adobe Photoshop

* ArcSoft Portrait Plus (Stand-alone & Plug-in)

* Ardfry PNGOUT Plugin for Adobe Photoshop

* Athentech Perfectly Clear for Photoshop 1.7.2

Auto FX - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* AutoEye 2.11
* DreamSuite Ultimate 1.36
* Mystical Suite

AV Bros - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* Puzzle Pro v3.1 Retail
* Page Curl Pro 2.2 Retail

* BenVista PhotoZoom Pro 5.0.8
(Note: Version 5.0.8 is the last ver. that works properly as Plugin.)

* Curvemeister 3.4.1 Retail for Adobe Photoshop

Nik Software Complete Collection
* Analog Efex Pro 1.010
* Color Efex Pro 4.310
* Dfine 2.210
* HDR Efex Pro 2.210
* Sharpener Pro 3.110
* Silver Efex Pro 2.210
* Viveza 2.110

Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2013
(Note: This is the latest official digital signature installer that was released on 07.11.2013)

* B&W Effects 2
* Lens Effects
* Adjust 5
* DeNoise 5
* Simplify 4
* Detail 3
* Clean 3
* ReMask 3
* InFocus
* DeJPEG 4
* Clarity
* photoFXlab
* Star Effects
* Topaz ReStyle 1

Digital Anarchy - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* Backdrop Designer 1.5
* Beauty Box 3.0
* Primatte Chromakey 5.1
* Texture Anarchy 1.2
* ToonIt! Photo 2.6.4

DxO Software - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* DxO FilmPack Expert
* DxO Optics Pro 9.1.2 Build 1694 Elite
* DxO ViewPoint 2.1.1 Build 15

* Electric Rain Swift 3D 6.0.933

Engelmann Media - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* Photomizer Pro
* Photomizer Retro
* Photomizer Scan

* ePaperPress PTLens 9.0 Standalone & Plugin

* Fhotoroom HDR 3.0.4 for Adobe Photoshop

* Filter Forge 4.008 Adobe Photoshop Plug-in

Imagenomic Plugin Suite for Photoshop
* Noiseware 5.0.2 Build 5020
* Noiseware Pro Standalone
* Portraiture 2.3.3 Build 2330
* RealGrain 2.0 Build 2001

indii - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* Tintii Photo Filter 2.6.2 for Adobe Photoshop
* Urban Lightscape 1.2.2

Kolor - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* Autopano Giga 3.0.8 Multilingual (x86)
* Autopano Giga 3.0.8 Multilingual (x64)

* Neat Image Pro 7.0 for Adobe Photoshop

* Piccure 1.0.1 for Adobe Photoshop

* Power Retouche Retouching Suite 7.8.0 Retail for Adobe Photoshop

PictoColor - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* iCorrect EditLab Pro 6.0 for Adobe Photoshop
* iCorrect Portrait 2.0 for Adobe Photoshop

PixelGenius - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* PixelGenius PhotoKit 2.0.5 for Adobe Photoshop
* PixelGenius PhotoKit Color 2.2.2 & 2.2.3 for Adobe Photoshop
* PixelGenius PhotoKit Sharpener 2.0.7 for Adobe Photoshop

Redfield (2007 - 2013) - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* ATX 1.25
* Fractalius 1.85
* iEmboss 1.50
* Perfectum 2.01
* SketchMaster 3.35
* Umatrix 1.85
* Face Control 2.0
* Face Control 1.25
* Redfield ++ 1.1
* Seamless Workshop 1.20
* Ripples Magic 1.40
* Water Ripples 1.40
* Expressionist 1.20
* Texturation 3D 1.50
* Craquelure 3D 1.70
* Jama 3D v.1.8
* Jama2000 1.80
* Lattice XP 1.80
* Plasteroid 1.43
* Emblazer 1.70
* FineTouch 3.25
* Sharpinion 1.70
* Sharpinion HD 2.0

Stepok - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* Stepok Recomposit Pro 5.1 Build 16998
* Stepok Light Developer 7.6

* Tiffen DFX Bundles for Adobe Photoshop

Unified Color - Adobe Photoshop Plug-ins:
* HDR Expose 3.0.3 Build 10714 (x86)
* HDR Expose 3.0.3 Build 10714 (x64)
* HDR Express 2.1.0 Build 10658 (x86)
* HDR Express 2.1.0 Build 10658 (x64)

* Vertus Fluid Mask 3.3.6 Build 26151

http://www.abc4web.net/uploaded/1_11377617704.png (http://www.abc4web.net/)

=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====

Download From Uploaded
http://uploaded.net/file/yfiwq6lz/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part01. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/dy8ztbg7/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part02. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/9225czcg/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part03. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/gvrqqn7s/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part04. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/3c029jmb/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part05. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/da0uwd7r/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part06. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/34jos2cm/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part07. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/l38u89cz/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part08. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/q8x15ddb/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part09. rar
http://uploaded.net/file/tkll6xgy/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part09. rar

Download From LetitBit
http://letitbit.net/download/05619.071e4b619bc7e6da9c3f5789d769/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part01. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/95769.95dec4ab18c8001a804f69c5378b/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part02. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/30461.3f49caab5ecec07b3d3198904938/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part03. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/04844.09afdeb86536e0060e7f0ee04bfc/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part04. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/56980.585f3ce4e217d3d65ae7b225a121/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part05. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/20405.226b21574ea89bd860479913320f/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part06. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/61925.62ecd0bad96d446d09670177ec87/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part07. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/08669.0096deded3a81f1ed2acb7a4b06e/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part08. rar.html
http://letitbit.net/download/15959.1ad54036e4c4b932e9786fbb3b79/Ultimate.AP.Plugins.Bundle.2014.DC.02.2014.part09. rar.html

أتمنى لكم جميعا الفائدة من هذه المشاركة

ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم


أبو يوسف
07-08-2014, 09:52 PM
جزاك الله خيرا اخانا ابا همام على هذه الموسوعة من الإضافات

08-08-2014, 11:56 PM
حياك الله أخى ابا يوسف

أشكر لك مرورك وتواصلك ودعائك

بالتوفيق ان شاء الله