04-06-2009, 11:51 AM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حياكم الله جميعا
CompTIA Network+ Certification CBT Training Videos on CD
هذه دورة كاملة فى الشبكات والحماية مقدمة من computer based training وهى للتدريب وتؤهل لإجتياز الإختبارات
As a networking professional, you understand the value of certification in validating your skills.
Today, more and more companies are requiring specific credentials as a qualification for basic networking jobs. Make sure you have the skills, and the credentials to prove them, by enrolling in Network+ training.
CompTIA’s Network+ certification is vital whether you’re just starting out or pursuing more advanced credentials. In fact, you’ll often find that this certification is a prerequisite when going for other network certifications. Because of the vendor-neutral emphasis, having a Network+ designation gives you a broader range of options and proves to employers that you have what it takes to manage their networks regardless of the equipment currently in place.
Use this self-paced Network+ CBT (computer based training) course to get these valuable skills without sacrificing time on the job or with the family. Simply install the CD-ROM on your laptop or personal computer and master networking according to your schedule and available free time. You’ll have access to multimedia features, videos, interactive content, quizzes, learning assessments, demos, and hands-on simulations – all on your computer’s desktop.
Network+ training is essential if you want to pass the CompTIA certification exams. Not only will you learn the theories and follow the exam objectives after watching our Network+ training videos on CD, you will also have real-world techniques and practical experience thanks to our “whole” approach to the training.
The self-paced Network+ CBT contains full motion video of highly-qualified instructors discussing and sharing theories and real-world techniques in a classroom setting. In addition, it features simulations that allow you to do the steps on your own computer, learning by trial and error.
Feedback in the form of quiz results, pre-and post-assessments, and review sections rounds off the training so that you know exactly which topics need further exploration. By enrolling in Network+ training, you are giving yourself the edge you need to set yourself apart from the crowd.
المزيد من المعلومات فى هذا الرابط
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
نوع الملف = bin جاهز للنسخ فى اسطوانة
إختر أحد مراكز التحميل
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله للجميع
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
حياكم الله جميعا
CompTIA Network+ Certification CBT Training Videos on CD
هذه دورة كاملة فى الشبكات والحماية مقدمة من computer based training وهى للتدريب وتؤهل لإجتياز الإختبارات
As a networking professional, you understand the value of certification in validating your skills.
Today, more and more companies are requiring specific credentials as a qualification for basic networking jobs. Make sure you have the skills, and the credentials to prove them, by enrolling in Network+ training.
CompTIA’s Network+ certification is vital whether you’re just starting out or pursuing more advanced credentials. In fact, you’ll often find that this certification is a prerequisite when going for other network certifications. Because of the vendor-neutral emphasis, having a Network+ designation gives you a broader range of options and proves to employers that you have what it takes to manage their networks regardless of the equipment currently in place.
Use this self-paced Network+ CBT (computer based training) course to get these valuable skills without sacrificing time on the job or with the family. Simply install the CD-ROM on your laptop or personal computer and master networking according to your schedule and available free time. You’ll have access to multimedia features, videos, interactive content, quizzes, learning assessments, demos, and hands-on simulations – all on your computer’s desktop.
Network+ training is essential if you want to pass the CompTIA certification exams. Not only will you learn the theories and follow the exam objectives after watching our Network+ training videos on CD, you will also have real-world techniques and practical experience thanks to our “whole” approach to the training.
The self-paced Network+ CBT contains full motion video of highly-qualified instructors discussing and sharing theories and real-world techniques in a classroom setting. In addition, it features simulations that allow you to do the steps on your own computer, learning by trial and error.
Feedback in the form of quiz results, pre-and post-assessments, and review sections rounds off the training so that you know exactly which topics need further exploration. By enrolling in Network+ training, you are giving yourself the edge you need to set yourself apart from the crowd.
المزيد من المعلومات فى هذا الرابط
=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
نوع الملف = bin جاهز للنسخ فى اسطوانة
إختر أحد مراكز التحميل
بالتوفيق إن شاء الله للجميع
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم