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22-01-2017, 01:24 PM
أقدم لكم برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker
Current Version :
باتش التحويل ليصبح كاملا وصالحا للإستخدام وبناء الإضافات وتعمل بكل كفاءة على أى جهاز آخر
يستخدم هذا البرنامج لصنع الإضافات لبرنامج الأتوبلاى ميديا ستوديو بإستخدام أكواد اللوا ويتميز ببساطة الإستخدام وكفاءة العمل .
الإضافات التى يمكن البرنامج صنعها هى :
إضافات الأكشن Action Plugins .
إضافات الأوبجيكت Object Plugins .
إضافات تأثير الإنتقال بين الصفحات Transition Plugins .
ولمزيد من المعلومات حول البرنامج فى الإقتباس التالى :
Ams Plugin Maker
This application allows AMS users to build the following AMS plugins with only Lua scripts
Action Plugins
Object Plugins
Transition Plugins
: Key Features
Everything will be Lua based so you do not need to learn a complex programming language
You will create your plugins with only Lua scripts and application will do all other complex tasks
Application will create actions XML file for (action , object) plugins and will create a help file for all plugin types ,from wizard based intellisense system
Application provides import and export options so projects can be exported as a single package to share or backup
Application provides IDE based debugging options , if your plugin has an error then application will notify you about error and show where the erroneous code in script editor
Application encrypts source scripts and compiles with plugin file (binary)
Application automatically detects AMS and makes plugin installation automatically without asking any user input
Application provides a licensing system for the plugins ,so users of this application can create commercial plugins , or just add a protection to a project specific plugin
... And More
كما نعلم جميعا فإن البرنامج ليس مجانى ولكن تم عمل باتش تفعيل له من قبل بابلوكو
وفيما يلى إقتباس من مشاركة بابلوكو يشرح فيها الخطوات التى إستند إليها فى تصميم الباتش :
As i recived a storm of people asking about internals of APM and very courious about how its generating plugins with assambler i got some time by beigh sick with heavy fly and decided to bring some light on the matter, I wanted with this educate on tweaking your apps without the need of patching binaries or injecting code. This ended up on create this patch that includes all the sources, like always http://amsspecialist.com/images/smilies/drevil-1414025327.png:
First of all, APM trial, as found on the original website is a trial build. It doesn't contain the logic of "when you buy it" so theres no byte replacement magic patch possibility. It will generate plugins with a code that will only work on the pc that builds it as its saving the code in a local file on a temp path. The plugin will only have a reference of the path to this code.
To be less invasive possible i choosed to replace flac.exe (4789708.dat) and polink.exe (8685379.dat) with some executables i generated with c# .net2 command line apps. Those executables will show a MessageBox useful to debug files if build fails.
The objective of this files is to edit sources, then call the original executable, having at this point compiler events for compiling and linking stage of build.
APM is using assambler templates from a zip (9240294.dat pw: 00432789280248076969858590388229389398406407238578 2079435320) to build a object file with the plugin definitions with flat.exe (Flat assambler) and also extracting from the main executable some other precompiled objects that contain all the real logic of plugin (action.o for actions object.o, objecti.o and object.p for objects) then a makefile is generated to link those objects alongside with other needed objects with polink.exe, geneting the plugin.
I choosed to edit the ASM file before it is compiled by flac, and add a call to a custom generated library (roachlib.obj) that directly loads the code and redefine variables with the real content found on the file that contain the logic. For cleaning propourses, i set the values of sizes to 0 for default APM calls and renamed real sizes so i could still access them on the custom code, but core sees 0, so it wont load bullshit to lua engine.
Then, on the linker event MakeFile.make is edited to include a reference of custom library generated to load lua code and a patched object (action.o/object.o) is replaced that has changed a byte to not show the alert, executing the code anyways (thats why i set sizes to 0 before)
This will produce a final plugin with code inside and loading it on time.
Also a brief on (((encryption))) of these codes, its using a shitty xor swapping agains some random bytes called XMLX for some dumb reason. As i suspect, plugins generated with full version shoud be same as produced with this patch, so content and key to decrypt are just right after the other. Extracting and editing those codes inside the dll will be so easy, as its no real encryption. Also the tool "lua buffer dumper" ive posted should ejaculate all the code as its using loadbuffer, like all the AMS coding events.
void xor_crypt(char *data, int data_len, char* _v, int _vlen) {
for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
data[i] ^= _v[i % _vlen];
AMS PLUGIN MAKER [[TRIAL TO FULL]] v1.1 Patch by @Pabloko
- Go to Data path (usually is C:\Program Files (x86)\AmsPluginMaker\Data)
and rename "Resource" folder to "Resource_original"
- Unzip "Resource" path from this archive
- Compile your previously locally tested plugins as usual. :)
- Extra: You can restore those folders as you want to avoid
debugging limitations on development stage.
Known limitations / bugs:
- Transitions are not yet implemented
- Code block limit is 1Mb (can be incremented)
- Debugging won't work for plugin loading. APC won't displays
lua errors.
- A nasty fopen call still happening at loading. Its left there
due architecture of path, keeping at minimum possible the core
object patching.
والآن مع طريقة تركيب الباتش :
أولا نقوم بتحميل الباتش من سيرفر الميديا فير التالى :
باتش تفعيل برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker (http://www.mediafire.com/file/1smvtm9hl2u84k2/APCtrial2fullV13f.rar)
ثانيا قم بتنصيب برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker النسخة التريال عادى خالص وإذا لم تكن تمتلكها يمكنك تحميلها من هنا : Ams Plugin Maker V (http://www.mediafire.com/file/4sq2nhxcy3u4tt4/AmsPluginMaker1.1.0.0.zip
الفيديو التالى يوضح لك إذا كنت لا تعلم طريقة تنصيب البرنامج والفيديو من إعداد المبرمج Reteset
بعد الإنتهاء من تنصيب برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker سوف ندخل إلى مسار تنصيبة على الكمبيوتر ومن ثم ندخل على المجلد Data ونقوم بوضع الباتش وهو عبارة عن مجلد بإسم Resource طبعا بعد فك الضغط بالوينرار ونوافق على الإستبدال أو نعمل على تغيير إسم المجلد الأساسى إلى أى إسم وليكن Resource_original ونضع المجلد الذى تم فك الضغط عنه وهو الباتش بنفس إسمه الذى هو Resource
يعنى لو إنت مش عاوز تعمل إستبدال الباتش مكان المجلد الأساسى إعمل إعادة تسمية للمجلد الأساسى أولا قبل وضع الباتش وسيبة زى ما هو علشان لو عاوز ترجع الوضع الإفتراضى كما كان
بعد وضع الباتش وفك الضغط عنه بالمسار يمكنك إستخدام البرنامج بكامل مميزاتة ويمكنك صنع إضافاتك الخاصة :abc_138:
:abc_152: تحياتى :abc_152:
أقدم لكم برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker
Current Version :
باتش التحويل ليصبح كاملا وصالحا للإستخدام وبناء الإضافات وتعمل بكل كفاءة على أى جهاز آخر
يستخدم هذا البرنامج لصنع الإضافات لبرنامج الأتوبلاى ميديا ستوديو بإستخدام أكواد اللوا ويتميز ببساطة الإستخدام وكفاءة العمل .
الإضافات التى يمكن البرنامج صنعها هى :
إضافات الأكشن Action Plugins .
إضافات الأوبجيكت Object Plugins .
إضافات تأثير الإنتقال بين الصفحات Transition Plugins .
ولمزيد من المعلومات حول البرنامج فى الإقتباس التالى :
Ams Plugin Maker
This application allows AMS users to build the following AMS plugins with only Lua scripts
Action Plugins
Object Plugins
Transition Plugins
: Key Features
Everything will be Lua based so you do not need to learn a complex programming language
You will create your plugins with only Lua scripts and application will do all other complex tasks
Application will create actions XML file for (action , object) plugins and will create a help file for all plugin types ,from wizard based intellisense system
Application provides import and export options so projects can be exported as a single package to share or backup
Application provides IDE based debugging options , if your plugin has an error then application will notify you about error and show where the erroneous code in script editor
Application encrypts source scripts and compiles with plugin file (binary)
Application automatically detects AMS and makes plugin installation automatically without asking any user input
Application provides a licensing system for the plugins ,so users of this application can create commercial plugins , or just add a protection to a project specific plugin
... And More
كما نعلم جميعا فإن البرنامج ليس مجانى ولكن تم عمل باتش تفعيل له من قبل بابلوكو
وفيما يلى إقتباس من مشاركة بابلوكو يشرح فيها الخطوات التى إستند إليها فى تصميم الباتش :
As i recived a storm of people asking about internals of APM and very courious about how its generating plugins with assambler i got some time by beigh sick with heavy fly and decided to bring some light on the matter, I wanted with this educate on tweaking your apps without the need of patching binaries or injecting code. This ended up on create this patch that includes all the sources, like always http://amsspecialist.com/images/smilies/drevil-1414025327.png:
First of all, APM trial, as found on the original website is a trial build. It doesn't contain the logic of "when you buy it" so theres no byte replacement magic patch possibility. It will generate plugins with a code that will only work on the pc that builds it as its saving the code in a local file on a temp path. The plugin will only have a reference of the path to this code.
To be less invasive possible i choosed to replace flac.exe (4789708.dat) and polink.exe (8685379.dat) with some executables i generated with c# .net2 command line apps. Those executables will show a MessageBox useful to debug files if build fails.
The objective of this files is to edit sources, then call the original executable, having at this point compiler events for compiling and linking stage of build.
APM is using assambler templates from a zip (9240294.dat pw: 00432789280248076969858590388229389398406407238578 2079435320) to build a object file with the plugin definitions with flat.exe (Flat assambler) and also extracting from the main executable some other precompiled objects that contain all the real logic of plugin (action.o for actions object.o, objecti.o and object.p for objects) then a makefile is generated to link those objects alongside with other needed objects with polink.exe, geneting the plugin.
I choosed to edit the ASM file before it is compiled by flac, and add a call to a custom generated library (roachlib.obj) that directly loads the code and redefine variables with the real content found on the file that contain the logic. For cleaning propourses, i set the values of sizes to 0 for default APM calls and renamed real sizes so i could still access them on the custom code, but core sees 0, so it wont load bullshit to lua engine.
Then, on the linker event MakeFile.make is edited to include a reference of custom library generated to load lua code and a patched object (action.o/object.o) is replaced that has changed a byte to not show the alert, executing the code anyways (thats why i set sizes to 0 before)
This will produce a final plugin with code inside and loading it on time.
Also a brief on (((encryption))) of these codes, its using a shitty xor swapping agains some random bytes called XMLX for some dumb reason. As i suspect, plugins generated with full version shoud be same as produced with this patch, so content and key to decrypt are just right after the other. Extracting and editing those codes inside the dll will be so easy, as its no real encryption. Also the tool "lua buffer dumper" ive posted should ejaculate all the code as its using loadbuffer, like all the AMS coding events.
void xor_crypt(char *data, int data_len, char* _v, int _vlen) {
for (int i = 0; i < data_len; i++) {
data[i] ^= _v[i % _vlen];
AMS PLUGIN MAKER [[TRIAL TO FULL]] v1.1 Patch by @Pabloko
- Go to Data path (usually is C:\Program Files (x86)\AmsPluginMaker\Data)
and rename "Resource" folder to "Resource_original"
- Unzip "Resource" path from this archive
- Compile your previously locally tested plugins as usual. :)
- Extra: You can restore those folders as you want to avoid
debugging limitations on development stage.
Known limitations / bugs:
- Transitions are not yet implemented
- Code block limit is 1Mb (can be incremented)
- Debugging won't work for plugin loading. APC won't displays
lua errors.
- A nasty fopen call still happening at loading. Its left there
due architecture of path, keeping at minimum possible the core
object patching.
والآن مع طريقة تركيب الباتش :
أولا نقوم بتحميل الباتش من سيرفر الميديا فير التالى :
باتش تفعيل برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker (http://www.mediafire.com/file/1smvtm9hl2u84k2/APCtrial2fullV13f.rar)
ثانيا قم بتنصيب برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker النسخة التريال عادى خالص وإذا لم تكن تمتلكها يمكنك تحميلها من هنا : Ams Plugin Maker V (http://www.mediafire.com/file/4sq2nhxcy3u4tt4/AmsPluginMaker1.1.0.0.zip
الفيديو التالى يوضح لك إذا كنت لا تعلم طريقة تنصيب البرنامج والفيديو من إعداد المبرمج Reteset
بعد الإنتهاء من تنصيب برنامج صانع الإضافات Ams Plugin Maker سوف ندخل إلى مسار تنصيبة على الكمبيوتر ومن ثم ندخل على المجلد Data ونقوم بوضع الباتش وهو عبارة عن مجلد بإسم Resource طبعا بعد فك الضغط بالوينرار ونوافق على الإستبدال أو نعمل على تغيير إسم المجلد الأساسى إلى أى إسم وليكن Resource_original ونضع المجلد الذى تم فك الضغط عنه وهو الباتش بنفس إسمه الذى هو Resource
يعنى لو إنت مش عاوز تعمل إستبدال الباتش مكان المجلد الأساسى إعمل إعادة تسمية للمجلد الأساسى أولا قبل وضع الباتش وسيبة زى ما هو علشان لو عاوز ترجع الوضع الإفتراضى كما كان
بعد وضع الباتش وفك الضغط عنه بالمسار يمكنك إستخدام البرنامج بكامل مميزاتة ويمكنك صنع إضافاتك الخاصة :abc_138:
:abc_152: تحياتى :abc_152: