رائد ابو فيصل
06-08-2009, 09:35 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
DigiWiz miniPE-XT (Updated 20 AUG 2008)
اسطوانه المينى بى minipe
افضل اسطوانه صيانه
1- تعمل من الدوس ذاتية الاقلاع
2- تعمل بدون الحاجه لهارد وممكن بوجود هارد
3- بها برامج صياه للهارد
3- تقسيم الهارد
4- استعاده ملفات
5 - انتى فايرس
6- برامج لحرق الاسطوانات
7- ضغط ملفات
8- رؤيه وفتح ملفات وصور
9- عرض ملفات كتابيه
10- اتصال بالانترنت بكثير من البرامج مثل فاير فوكس
11- تعمل من الدوس و من على الويندوز
و اكثر بكثير ...
Popis / Overview:
This CD is meant to "autoboot" meaning that when the CD is placed in the tray, and your computer is rebooted or turned off/on, the system will boot to the OS located on the CD. You may have to change some BIOS settings if your computer does not look to the CD before the HD for system booting. You may also have to press a key during boot to bring up a menu to choose your boot device.
Note: My philosophy is that this is mainly a Rescue CD, and not a replacement Operating System. As such, some apps will almost certainly not be updated as they perform well in this environment, and updating will only serve to add bloat and therefore decrease CD space for additional apps. Examples include, but are not limited to Nero & WinZIP. Additionally, the menu system is purposefully not alphabetized - it is highly customized, and in the order I want it.
Here are some general guidelines regarding miniPE-XT
More to come as I think of them...
* requires a minimum of 128MB to run a minimal amount of apps. The more RAM you have, the greater likelihood that all apps will work correctly. I have 512MB on an old Dell PIII 500mHz and all apps work. If an app doesn't work, there's a good chance you don't have a enough memory.
* Some apps will simply not work exactly as they do in regular Windows. Just accept it - it is a consequence of PE, which is NOT a replacement operating system.
* Colors look bad on screen? - this is usually due to onboard graphics, often Intel Extreme Onboard Graphics. There is no fix Crying or Very sad.
* One of these days, I'll get around to writing a tutorial on how to update the AV definitions. It's not that difficult for "power" users, but may be a little daunting for those with limited experience.
Coming soon...
* "'Such-and-such' app comes up as unregistered" - my guess is you are running miniPE from within Windows and not as a bootCD. To fully appreciate miniPE's power, you should boot FROM the CD - you may have to change a BIOS setting to have your computer's first boot device to be the CD drive. Alternately, some newer Dells require you to press F12 during boot to have an option menu appear that will allow you to boot from the CD.
* Winternals apps "greyed out" - you must select the first menu option and define where your Windows installation resides - then return to the Winternals menu and the apps will be available.
حجم الاسطوانه 458 مب
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
DigiWiz miniPE-XT (Updated 20 AUG 2008)
اسطوانه المينى بى minipe
افضل اسطوانه صيانه
1- تعمل من الدوس ذاتية الاقلاع
2- تعمل بدون الحاجه لهارد وممكن بوجود هارد
3- بها برامج صياه للهارد
3- تقسيم الهارد
4- استعاده ملفات
5 - انتى فايرس
6- برامج لحرق الاسطوانات
7- ضغط ملفات
8- رؤيه وفتح ملفات وصور
9- عرض ملفات كتابيه
10- اتصال بالانترنت بكثير من البرامج مثل فاير فوكس
11- تعمل من الدوس و من على الويندوز
و اكثر بكثير ...
Popis / Overview:
This CD is meant to "autoboot" meaning that when the CD is placed in the tray, and your computer is rebooted or turned off/on, the system will boot to the OS located on the CD. You may have to change some BIOS settings if your computer does not look to the CD before the HD for system booting. You may also have to press a key during boot to bring up a menu to choose your boot device.
Note: My philosophy is that this is mainly a Rescue CD, and not a replacement Operating System. As such, some apps will almost certainly not be updated as they perform well in this environment, and updating will only serve to add bloat and therefore decrease CD space for additional apps. Examples include, but are not limited to Nero & WinZIP. Additionally, the menu system is purposefully not alphabetized - it is highly customized, and in the order I want it.
Here are some general guidelines regarding miniPE-XT
More to come as I think of them...
* requires a minimum of 128MB to run a minimal amount of apps. The more RAM you have, the greater likelihood that all apps will work correctly. I have 512MB on an old Dell PIII 500mHz and all apps work. If an app doesn't work, there's a good chance you don't have a enough memory.
* Some apps will simply not work exactly as they do in regular Windows. Just accept it - it is a consequence of PE, which is NOT a replacement operating system.
* Colors look bad on screen? - this is usually due to onboard graphics, often Intel Extreme Onboard Graphics. There is no fix Crying or Very sad.
* One of these days, I'll get around to writing a tutorial on how to update the AV definitions. It's not that difficult for "power" users, but may be a little daunting for those with limited experience.
Coming soon...
* "'Such-and-such' app comes up as unregistered" - my guess is you are running miniPE from within Windows and not as a bootCD. To fully appreciate miniPE's power, you should boot FROM the CD - you may have to change a BIOS setting to have your computer's first boot device to be the CD drive. Alternately, some newer Dells require you to press F12 during boot to have an option menu appear that will allow you to boot from the CD.
* Winternals apps "greyed out" - you must select the first menu option and define where your Windows installation resides - then return to the Winternals menu and the apps will be available.
حجم الاسطوانه 458 مب