أبو صخر
22-10-2009, 12:59 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
صورة البرنامج
اسمه الكامل
Solo Antivirus 2010 9.0.1 Portable
يعتبر من أخف برامج مكافحة الفيروسات والديدان والبرامج التجسس في نسختة الجديدة
Solo antivirus not only scans for all viruses, it contains a unique System Integrity Checker to protect you from new Spyware, Internet Worms, Backdoor programs, malicious VB and Java scripts. It also effectively removes all existing Internet Worms, File infecting viruses, malicious VB and Java scripts, Trojans, Adware, Spyware, Backdoors, boot sector, partition table, file and macro viruses.
Benefits of Solo:
System Integrity Checker - Monitors system registry, system.ini, win.ini and startup to protect you from new Internet Worms and Backdoors.
Solo Scanner - Detects and disinfects all types of viruses, and provides facility to remove viruses in Windows locked files.
Solo sentry system - Monitors active processes, and stops malicious code found in memory.
Solo Scheduler - Scheduled scan tasks can be done hourly, weekly or monthly.
Effective resource management - Solo uses very low percentage of system resources. So it won't affect your system performance unlike other antivirus software.
Automatic update facility - Solo automatically downloads updates whenever new signature files found on the web.
Size (RAR): 4.97 Mb
2% recovery record
Download Solo Antivirus 2010 9.0.1 Portable
http://hotfile.com/dl/15437278/e4add...table.rar.html (http://hotfile.com/dl/15437278/e4add85/Solo_Antivirus_2010_9.0.1_Portable.rar.html)
http://vip-file.com/download/4557.43...table.rar.html (http://vip-file.com/download/4557.43460f045ad1a74c27fbb674bc/Solo_Antivirus_2010_9.0.1_Portable.rar.html)
ومن يريد النسخه كامله +تسجيل
صورة البرنامج
اسمه الكامل
Solo Antivirus 2010 9.0.1 Portable
يعتبر من أخف برامج مكافحة الفيروسات والديدان والبرامج التجسس في نسختة الجديدة
Solo antivirus not only scans for all viruses, it contains a unique System Integrity Checker to protect you from new Spyware, Internet Worms, Backdoor programs, malicious VB and Java scripts. It also effectively removes all existing Internet Worms, File infecting viruses, malicious VB and Java scripts, Trojans, Adware, Spyware, Backdoors, boot sector, partition table, file and macro viruses.
Benefits of Solo:
System Integrity Checker - Monitors system registry, system.ini, win.ini and startup to protect you from new Internet Worms and Backdoors.
Solo Scanner - Detects and disinfects all types of viruses, and provides facility to remove viruses in Windows locked files.
Solo sentry system - Monitors active processes, and stops malicious code found in memory.
Solo Scheduler - Scheduled scan tasks can be done hourly, weekly or monthly.
Effective resource management - Solo uses very low percentage of system resources. So it won't affect your system performance unlike other antivirus software.
Automatic update facility - Solo automatically downloads updates whenever new signature files found on the web.
Size (RAR): 4.97 Mb
2% recovery record
Download Solo Antivirus 2010 9.0.1 Portable
http://hotfile.com/dl/15437278/e4add...table.rar.html (http://hotfile.com/dl/15437278/e4add85/Solo_Antivirus_2010_9.0.1_Portable.rar.html)
http://vip-file.com/download/4557.43...table.rar.html (http://vip-file.com/download/4557.43460f045ad1a74c27fbb674bc/Solo_Antivirus_2010_9.0.1_Portable.rar.html)
ومن يريد النسخه كامله +تسجيل