أبو يوسف
13-12-2009, 05:38 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لانشاء ادوات تثبيت البرامج
Portable IndigoRose Setup Factory
البرنامج الرائع لصنع ملفات السيت أب وهي الملفات التي تضغط فيها الملفات الكبيرة التي يحتاجها البرنامج لكي يعمل
عمل البرنامج وأهم مميزاته ..
عمل البرنامج رائع جداً ...
يتيح لك عمل الملفات التنصيبية بصيغة ( exe) ....
أما أنواع الملفات التي يمكن تقبلها ... ( فحدث ولا حرج ...!!!! )
نعم ...حيث يمكنك من إضافة أي ملف وبأي صيغة كانت ( rar .zip.html.rm.mp3.doc ...الخ )
أي ملف( يخطر في بالك ) الى قائمة البرنامج لعمل برنامج تنفيذي ( تنصيبي ) يتم تجميعه على شكل ملف واحد ...
ومن المميزات الأخرى للبرنامج أنه يدعم العربية !!!! ...
وميزة أخرى للبرنامج أنه يمكنك من إضافة أسم شركتك او أسم موقعك وكذلك أسم المنتج أثناء عملية تكوين الملف التنفيذي ...
وميزة أخرى إن هناك ستايلات ( روعة !!! ) يمكنك من إختيارها لغيير واجهة الملف التنفيذي عند فتحه ..
وهناك مميزات أخرى سوف تكتشفها بنفسك عند التعامل مع هذا البرنامج من أجل الإستفادة القصوى من البرنامج
Setup Factory 8 is the result of over a decade of experience in creating software installation tools. Unlike other installer builders that require week-long training courses in order to get up to speed, Setup Factory was designed to be fast and easy to use. By pairing a visual layout of your software’s files and folders with a point-and-click interface, the entire process becomes completely logical and absolutely painless. What’s more, Setup Factory creates a compact, single-file setup.exe that runs on any version of Windows from 95 to Vista and is perfect for distribution by web download, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LAN. Setup Factory 8.0 is simply a better way to make software installers.
Rapid Installer Development. With Setup Factory 8, you simply drag and drop your files onto the project window, and click on the publish button. That’s it. It’s really that simple. You’ll be up and running in minutes. The Project Wizard can even walk you through it. Whether you want to create shortcut icons on the desktop and start menu, or configure an uninstaller in the control panel’s Add/Remove Programs panel, it’s all just a few clicks away. The same thing goes for adding in third-party runtime modules, with support for Visual Basic, .NET and more.
Powerful Enough For Any Installation Task. When you want the ultimate in power and flexibility, you can turn to the all-new scripting engine found in Setup Factory 8. This easy to understand language features everything from loops and conditions to functions, variables and arrays. It’s packed with hundreds of functions to handle everything from text file editing to system registry changes. You can execute programs, call DLL functions, manipulate strings, enumerate processes, interact with web scripts and much more. And thanks to the fill-in-the-blanks style Action Wizard, anybody can create powerful installers that handle complex installation tasks with ease.
Fully Customizable. While other installer builders make you settle for the same old look, Setup Factory 8 includes an innovative visual theme system and full featured dialog editor. Choose from dozens of pre-made themes or even make your own. It’s as easy as viewing a live dialog preview and picking your favorite style. You can configure everything from fonts and banners to graphics, colors and much more. Whether you want your installers to look corporate, modern or artistic, you can do it with ease.
Trusted and Reliable. We’ve been making software installation tools since the days of Windows 3.0. We’ve learned a lot over the years. That’s why you can count on Setup Factory to make sure your software installation process is as smooth and trouble-free as possible. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of our setup.exe files out there. That’s a lot of trust. And each one is proudly serving as a banner for its company’s reputation. It’s something we take very seriously. You can leverage our years of experience making rock-solid software installers by choosing Setup Factory 8.
لانشاء ادوات تثبيت البرامج
Portable IndigoRose Setup Factory
البرنامج الرائع لصنع ملفات السيت أب وهي الملفات التي تضغط فيها الملفات الكبيرة التي يحتاجها البرنامج لكي يعمل
عمل البرنامج وأهم مميزاته ..
عمل البرنامج رائع جداً ...
يتيح لك عمل الملفات التنصيبية بصيغة ( exe) ....
أما أنواع الملفات التي يمكن تقبلها ... ( فحدث ولا حرج ...!!!! )
نعم ...حيث يمكنك من إضافة أي ملف وبأي صيغة كانت ( rar .zip.html.rm.mp3.doc ...الخ )
أي ملف( يخطر في بالك ) الى قائمة البرنامج لعمل برنامج تنفيذي ( تنصيبي ) يتم تجميعه على شكل ملف واحد ...
ومن المميزات الأخرى للبرنامج أنه يدعم العربية !!!! ...
وميزة أخرى للبرنامج أنه يمكنك من إضافة أسم شركتك او أسم موقعك وكذلك أسم المنتج أثناء عملية تكوين الملف التنفيذي ...
وميزة أخرى إن هناك ستايلات ( روعة !!! ) يمكنك من إختيارها لغيير واجهة الملف التنفيذي عند فتحه ..
وهناك مميزات أخرى سوف تكتشفها بنفسك عند التعامل مع هذا البرنامج من أجل الإستفادة القصوى من البرنامج
Setup Factory 8 is the result of over a decade of experience in creating software installation tools. Unlike other installer builders that require week-long training courses in order to get up to speed, Setup Factory was designed to be fast and easy to use. By pairing a visual layout of your software’s files and folders with a point-and-click interface, the entire process becomes completely logical and absolutely painless. What’s more, Setup Factory creates a compact, single-file setup.exe that runs on any version of Windows from 95 to Vista and is perfect for distribution by web download, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LAN. Setup Factory 8.0 is simply a better way to make software installers.
Rapid Installer Development. With Setup Factory 8, you simply drag and drop your files onto the project window, and click on the publish button. That’s it. It’s really that simple. You’ll be up and running in minutes. The Project Wizard can even walk you through it. Whether you want to create shortcut icons on the desktop and start menu, or configure an uninstaller in the control panel’s Add/Remove Programs panel, it’s all just a few clicks away. The same thing goes for adding in third-party runtime modules, with support for Visual Basic, .NET and more.
Powerful Enough For Any Installation Task. When you want the ultimate in power and flexibility, you can turn to the all-new scripting engine found in Setup Factory 8. This easy to understand language features everything from loops and conditions to functions, variables and arrays. It’s packed with hundreds of functions to handle everything from text file editing to system registry changes. You can execute programs, call DLL functions, manipulate strings, enumerate processes, interact with web scripts and much more. And thanks to the fill-in-the-blanks style Action Wizard, anybody can create powerful installers that handle complex installation tasks with ease.
Fully Customizable. While other installer builders make you settle for the same old look, Setup Factory 8 includes an innovative visual theme system and full featured dialog editor. Choose from dozens of pre-made themes or even make your own. It’s as easy as viewing a live dialog preview and picking your favorite style. You can configure everything from fonts and banners to graphics, colors and much more. Whether you want your installers to look corporate, modern or artistic, you can do it with ease.
Trusted and Reliable. We’ve been making software installation tools since the days of Windows 3.0. We’ve learned a lot over the years. That’s why you can count on Setup Factory to make sure your software installation process is as smooth and trouble-free as possible. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of our setup.exe files out there. That’s a lot of trust. And each one is proudly serving as a banner for its company’s reputation. It’s something we take very seriously. You can leverage our years of experience making rock-solid software installers by choosing Setup Factory 8.