المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Inno Setup v5.3.6 Unicode برنامج رائع لعمل ملف تثبيت أو تركيب لبرنامج آخر من صناعتك

أبو فارس
20-12-2009, 08:27 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

برنامج صناعة برامج تنصيب البرامج

Inno Setup v5.3.6 Unicode

برنامج مجاني وبسيط ورائع لصناعة برامج تقوم على جمع ملفات برامجك او برامج اخرى ومن ثم تفكيكها ضمن مجلدات محددة (برامج تنصيب ) وفق سكريبت برمجي محدد مسبقاً .يدعم برمجة محرك باسكال المتوافق مع كافة البرامج ,يدعم وضع عدة لغات للتنصيب,يدعم وضع اختصارات للبرامج في مجلد البرامج وسطح المكتب واماكن اخرى ,يدعم عملية وضع كلمات سر للبرامج وفك شيفرتها ,دعم كامل لعملية إزالة تنصيب البرامج ,اعتماد مصدر شيفرة بورلاند ديلفي 2.0-5.0 ,دعم وتكامل لإنشاء عدة صيغ من برامج التنصيب بدءا من exe,7-zip,zip,rar وغيرها .
ميزات متكاملة واداء متفوق مع حجم بسيط جداً.


للمزيد باللغة الإنكليزية http://www.albramj.com/vb/images/smilies/thumbup1.gif


Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals and even surpasses many commercial installers in feature set and stability. Features include a wizard interface, creation of a single EXE for easy online distribution, support for disk spanning, full uninstall capabilities, customizable setup types, integrated file compression, support for installing shared files and OCX's, and creation of Start Menu icons, INI entries, and registry entries.bramjhome.com. Inno Setup places no arbitrary limits on how many files, shortcuts, registry entries, etc. that you may include in an installation. However, keep in mind that Setup does need memory for each entry in a script.yabroudonline.com. For example, roughly 120 bytes of memory is needed for each [Files] entry. A typical Inno Setup installation running on Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 does not require administrative or "power user" privileges.

ميزات البرنامج


Extensive support for installation of 64-bit applications on the 64-bit editions of Windows. Both the x64 and Itanium architectures are supported. (On the Itanium architecture, Service Pack 1 or later is required on Windows Server 2003 to install in 64-bit mode.)
Supports creation of a single EXE to install your program for easy online distribution. Disk spanning is also supported.
Standard Windows 2000/XP-style wizard interface.
Customizable setup types, e.g. Full, Minimal, Custom.
Complete uninstall capabilities.
Installation of files:
Includes integrated support for "deflate", bzip2, and 7-Zip LZMA file compression. The installer has the ability to compare file version info, replace in-use files, use shared file counting, register DLL/OCX's and type libraries, and install fonts.
Creation of shortcuts anywhere, including in the Start Menu and on the desktop.
Creation of registry and .INI entries.
Running other programs before, during or after install.
Support for multilingual installs, including right-to-left language support.
Support for passworded and encrypted installs.
Support for digitally signed installs and uninstalls.
Silent install and uninstall.
Unicode installs. (Windows 2000/XP or later)
Integrated Pascal scripting engine option for advanced run-time install and uninstall customization.
Full source code is available (Borland Delphi 2.0-5.0 and 2009).
Is it really free of charge, even for commercial use?


التحديثات الجديدة بهذا الأصدار

Windows 7 change:

Added new [Setup] section directive: UninstallDisplaySize. On Windows 7 and newer, Setup uses this directive to set the EstimatedSize value in the Uninstall registry key when possible since the Windows 7 Add/Remove Programs Control Panel (called Program and Features) no longer automatically calculates it. If an UninstallDisplaySize is not set, Setup estimates the size itself by taking the size of all files installed and adding any ExtraDiskSpaceRequired values set. Note: Windows 7 only supports the display of values smaller than 4 GB.

Pascal Scripting now supports IUnknown based COM. Previously it only supported IDispatch based COM but a growing number of Windows API functions are COM based without implementing the IDispatch interface, and you can now use these as well. See the new CodeAutomation2.iss example script for an example. Note: this is only supported by Unicode Inno Setup at the moment, because of Delphi 2's limitations (Delphi 2 is used to compile Non Unicode Inno Setup):

Added StringToGUID, CreateComObject, and OleCheck support functions.
Added HResult, TGUID, TCLSID, and TIID support types.

The compiler no longer allows a single LanguageCodePage directive to be applied to multiple languages at once. If you were using this to force Non Unicode Setup to allow the user to select any language regardless of the system code page, set [Setup] section directive ShowUndisplayableLanguages to yes instead.
Added new CodePrepareToInstall.iss example script.
Fix: Unicode Pascal scripting: passing a very long string to Format caused an error.
Minor tweaks.

يعمل مع جميع إصدارات ويندوز

Support for all versions
of Windows in use today:
Vista, XP, 2008, 2003, 2000,
Me, 98, 95, and NT 4.0

برنامج مجاني
price= 0$

الموقع الرسمي - Homepage

حجم البرنامج
Size: 1.82 MB

هذا الأصدار الأفضل لوجود ميزة دعمه لعدة لغات

للتحميل برابط مباشر من الشركة الأُم


Unicode Inno Setup self-installing package

وهذا رابط خاص لعشاق الرابيد شير مثلي


http://www.albramj.com/up//uploads/images/albramj.com-276d99c30a.jpg (http://rapidshare.com/files/322669170/Unicode_Inno_Setup_self_installing_package_by_www. albramj.com.rar)

من هنــــــــــا (http://rapidshare.com/files/322669170/Unicode_Inno_Setup_self_installing_package_by_www. albramj.com.rar)

منقول للفائدة


أبو يوسف
20-12-2009, 08:43 PM
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

أبو صخر
20-12-2009, 08:54 PM
شـكــ وبارك الله فيك ـــرا لك ... لك مني أجمل تحية .

20-12-2009, 11:25 PM
مشكور أخي الكريم أبو فارس
لاحرمنا الله من مواضيعك الجميلة
تحيتي لك

محمود عفيفى
21-12-2009, 12:09 AM
جزاك الله خيراً
ان شاء الله جارى التجربه :abc_152:

أحمد فارس
28-12-2009, 10:57 PM
مشكور أخي وبارك الله فيك