أبو يوسف
18-01-2010, 08:44 PM
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
النسخة الأخيرة من عملاق صنع تنصيب للبرامج
Portable InstallShield 2010 Premier v16
وظيفة هذا البرنامج هي عمل Setup للبرامج و الألعاب
و يستعمله المبرمجون و الشركات الكبرى كشركة Adobe
لعمل Setup لبرامجها
و هذا الاصدار متوافق مع نظام ويندوز الفيستا
لقد تقدم تقديم هذا البرنامج وشرحه هناااا
أما هنا فهذه نسخة محمولة بورتابل
The World’s Most Powerful Installation Authoring Solution – Period
The top-tier InstallShield Premier Edition is the world’s most powerful and flexible solution for Windows installations. Software companies serious about providing reliable, professional installations for their products trust the InstallShield Premier Edition.
InstallShield Premier Edition gives you all the capabilities of our Professional Edition, plus tons of exclusive functionality, including:
Avoid common installation issues—Validators in the InstallShield Best Practices Validation Suite alert you if your installation violates any best practices guidelines.
Maintain a clean build system—With the Standalone Build engine, you can use only the part of InstallShield that compiles installations.
Improve your end user's experience—With refreshed end-user dialog designs.
Easily convert legacy installations into MSI packages—With InstallShield Repackager, you can easily create MSI packages.
Localize your installation—InstallShield's multilingual support lets you create installations for 35 runtime languages from one installation project.
Quickly roll out new installations—With network repositories, it's now easy to build a repository of common elements that multiple installation authors can access and reuse in projects.
Create trial versions without modifying code—With the try-and-die type of trialware's simple configuration changes, you can easily offer potential customers a fully functional. trial version of your product (After the predetermined trial limit has been reached on an end user's machine, the trial version automatically expires).
Save time with the IIS Scanner—Only the Premier Edition allows you to import the IIS data from an existing Web site into your InstallShield project automatically using the IIS Scanner.
http://www.abc4web.net/vb/uploaded/407_11261335791.gif (http://www.abc4web.net/vb)
rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/336864416/X-16ISP.rar)
megaupload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ALZQ6MIX)
النسخة الأخيرة من عملاق صنع تنصيب للبرامج
Portable InstallShield 2010 Premier v16
وظيفة هذا البرنامج هي عمل Setup للبرامج و الألعاب
و يستعمله المبرمجون و الشركات الكبرى كشركة Adobe
لعمل Setup لبرامجها
و هذا الاصدار متوافق مع نظام ويندوز الفيستا
لقد تقدم تقديم هذا البرنامج وشرحه هناااا
أما هنا فهذه نسخة محمولة بورتابل
The World’s Most Powerful Installation Authoring Solution – Period
The top-tier InstallShield Premier Edition is the world’s most powerful and flexible solution for Windows installations. Software companies serious about providing reliable, professional installations for their products trust the InstallShield Premier Edition.
InstallShield Premier Edition gives you all the capabilities of our Professional Edition, plus tons of exclusive functionality, including:
Avoid common installation issues—Validators in the InstallShield Best Practices Validation Suite alert you if your installation violates any best practices guidelines.
Maintain a clean build system—With the Standalone Build engine, you can use only the part of InstallShield that compiles installations.
Improve your end user's experience—With refreshed end-user dialog designs.
Easily convert legacy installations into MSI packages—With InstallShield Repackager, you can easily create MSI packages.
Localize your installation—InstallShield's multilingual support lets you create installations for 35 runtime languages from one installation project.
Quickly roll out new installations—With network repositories, it's now easy to build a repository of common elements that multiple installation authors can access and reuse in projects.
Create trial versions without modifying code—With the try-and-die type of trialware's simple configuration changes, you can easily offer potential customers a fully functional. trial version of your product (After the predetermined trial limit has been reached on an end user's machine, the trial version automatically expires).
Save time with the IIS Scanner—Only the Premier Edition allows you to import the IIS data from an existing Web site into your InstallShield project automatically using the IIS Scanner.
http://www.abc4web.net/vb/uploaded/407_11261335791.gif (http://www.abc4web.net/vb)
rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/336864416/X-16ISP.rar)
megaupload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ALZQ6MIX)