13-02-2010, 05:05 PM
حياكم الله جميعا
JA Google Translate Plugin
هذه إضافة رائعة لمجلة جوملا
وهى خاصة بالترجمة من خلال ترجمة موقع جوجل الشهير
وهذه الإضافة يمكنك من خلالها ترجمة بعض محتويات موقعك الى 35 لغة ومنها العربية طبعا
JA Google Translate lets you add google translate feature to individual articles without refreshing the page or redirecting to google translate url. Translation happens on the fly. It is based on the Google Ajax Translation feature and can be installed as a normal plugin. Easy to use and easy to understand. Detailed tooltips added to each option for easy understanding of features. Its so easy to use, that a userguide was not felt necessary. Try it to believe it.
1. Unique plugin of its kind, Ability to translate individual articles, without redirection or change of site url.
2. Option to choose from the languages or show all.
3. Choose the categories to show the translation flags.
4. Customize the number of columns, width of block.
5. Choose whether to show text or icon or both.
6. Easy to use. Install, configure and enable.
7. help text added in Tooltips for all config options.Hover your mouse over the config options and read the tips.
يمكنكم تحميل هذه الاضافة من الرمفقات
لاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
حياكم الله جميعا
JA Google Translate Plugin
هذه إضافة رائعة لمجلة جوملا
وهى خاصة بالترجمة من خلال ترجمة موقع جوجل الشهير
وهذه الإضافة يمكنك من خلالها ترجمة بعض محتويات موقعك الى 35 لغة ومنها العربية طبعا
JA Google Translate lets you add google translate feature to individual articles without refreshing the page or redirecting to google translate url. Translation happens on the fly. It is based on the Google Ajax Translation feature and can be installed as a normal plugin. Easy to use and easy to understand. Detailed tooltips added to each option for easy understanding of features. Its so easy to use, that a userguide was not felt necessary. Try it to believe it.
1. Unique plugin of its kind, Ability to translate individual articles, without redirection or change of site url.
2. Option to choose from the languages or show all.
3. Choose the categories to show the translation flags.
4. Customize the number of columns, width of block.
5. Choose whether to show text or icon or both.
6. Easy to use. Install, configure and enable.
7. help text added in Tooltips for all config options.Hover your mouse over the config options and read the tips.
يمكنكم تحميل هذه الاضافة من الرمفقات
لاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم