أبو فارس
15-02-2010, 02:45 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
RJ TextEd 6.00 محرر الكتابات والنصوص
برنامج فى اصدار جديد لتحرير النصوص والكتابات
RJ TextEd is a text editor that uses syntax highlighting for any type of files. The editor uses syntax definition files to recognize keywords, tags, strings and other items that you want highlighted in the text. RJ TextEd is a Unicode editor capable of loading and saving ANSI, UTF-8, Unicode and Unicode big endien files
من هنا (http://hotfile.com/dl/28620458/68e81d3/RJ_TextEd.zip.html)
منقول للفائدة
RJ TextEd 6.00 محرر الكتابات والنصوص
برنامج فى اصدار جديد لتحرير النصوص والكتابات
RJ TextEd is a text editor that uses syntax highlighting for any type of files. The editor uses syntax definition files to recognize keywords, tags, strings and other items that you want highlighted in the text. RJ TextEd is a Unicode editor capable of loading and saving ANSI, UTF-8, Unicode and Unicode big endien files
من هنا (http://hotfile.com/dl/28620458/68e81d3/RJ_TextEd.zip.html)
منقول للفائدة