المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : تدريبات سيسكو TrainSignal Cisco CCNA Training Videos

04-04-2010, 10:46 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

TrainSignal Cisco CCNA Training Videos

حياكم الله جميعا متخصصين ومتابعين للشبكات والشهادات الدولية


TrainSignal Cisco CCNA Training Videos
Genre: Video Training | 1.09 GB

معلومات حول الدورة والشرح من الموقع الرسمي إضغط على الشعار

:abc4web: (http://www.trainsignal.com/Cisco-CCNA-Training-P3.aspx)

دورة كاملة لتعلم واحتراف سيسكو مع تدريبات عملية رائعة من خلالا لفديو

Includes Cisco Training Videos for CCENT Exam, 640-822 ICND1 and 640-816, the ICND2 exam. Learn to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small to medium size enterprise branch network & pass your CCNA Exam (640-802)!

25+ Hours of Instruction on CD so you can Learn to Manage Cisco Routers by Watching them Configured on an actual Network!
Prep for your CCNA Exam with over 400 Practice Exam Questions you get in this package
Scenario based training taught by a CCIE with over 10 years of experience

Here are the topics you will find in our Cisco CCNA Training Videos

Intro to Networking and Networking Models

* The OSI Model
* The Data Transmission Process
* The TCP/IP Model
* Why Use Networking Models
* TCP and UDP
* Ports, Sockets, Port Numbers

Ethernet Standards and Cables

* Operation of CSMA/CD
* Ethernet Types and Standards
* Pins and Transmissions
* Crosstalk
* Cable Types
* Ethernet Addressing
* WAN Cabling and Cable Types


* Repeaters, Hubs and Bridges
* Building the MAC Table
* “Flood, Filter or Forward?”
* Frame Processing Methods
* Virtual LANs
* Cisco 3-Layer Switching Model
* Introduction to STP
* Basic Switch Security
* Port Security Defaults

IP Addressing and The Routing Process

* IP Addressing and Binary Conversions
* IP Address Classes
* Private IP Address Ranges
* Intro to the Routing Process
* Keeping Subnets On One “Side” of the Router

Common Router and Switch Commands

* Physical Connections and Passwords
* Telnet
* User, Enable and Privilege Modes
* Enable Password vs. Enable Secret
* “privilege level 15”
* Secure Shell - SSH
* Physical Side of Cisco Switches
* Assigning an IP Address and Default Gateway To The Switch
* Speed, Duplex, and “Interface Range”
* Banners, “logging synch”, and “exec-timeout”
* Keystroke Shortcuts and Manipulating History


* One Destination, Two Destination Addresses
* The ARP Process
* Routers, Broadcasts, Proxy ARP
* The DHCP Process
* DHCP Config on Cisco Router

Memory Components and Config Files

* ROM, RAM, NVRAM, and Flash
* The Boot Process
* Setup Mode
* Startup and Running Config Files
* The COPY Command
* IOS Upgrading
* The Configuration Register

Intro to Wireless Networks (WLANs)

* Wireless Network Types
* Standards and Ranges
* Spread Spectrum
* Antenna Types
* CA vs. CD
* SSIDs and MAC Address Authentication
* WEP, WPA, and WPA2

Binary Math and Subnetting

* Decimal > Binary, Binary > Decimal
* Subnetting Basics
* Calculating Valid Subnets, Hosts, and IP Addresses
* Prefix Notification
* Calculating the Subnet Number of a Given IP Address
* Design Requirements

Static Routing and RIP

* Static Routing Theory and Labs
* RIP Routing Theory and Labs
* “show ip protocols”, “show ip route rip”, “debug ip rip”, and More!

Wide Area Networks (WANs)

* Physical Side of WANs
* Directly Connecting Cisco Routers Via Serial Interfaces
* HDLC and PPP
* Intro to Frame Relay
* RFC 1918, NAT and PAT
* Intro to ATM
* Modems and DSL Variations


* Where to Begin
* Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
* L1 and L2 Troubleshooting
* LAN Troubleshooting
* WAN Troubleshooting
* Telnet and SSH Commands
* Administrative Distance
* Extended Ping and Traceroute
* The Real Key to Troubleshooting

Network Security

* Firewalls and Proxy Servers
* The Attacker's Arsenal
* Intro to PIX, ASA, IDS, and IPS
* Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses
* Preventing Virus Attacks
* One Final Cisco “Secret”
* A Final Word

Switching II

* Root Bridges, Root Ports, and Designated Ports
* STP Timers and Port States
* Portfast
* VLANs and Trunking
* Access and Trunk Port Comparison
* “Router on a Stick”
* Etherchannels

PTP WAN Links, HDLC, PPP, and Frame Relay

* HDLC vs. PPP
* PPP Features
* PAP and CHAP
* Frame Relay LMI Theory
* Frame Relay Configs, DLCIs, Frame Maps, and Inverse ARP
* Frame Sub-Interfaces
* Split Horizon
* Frame Relay LMI Show and Debug
* FECN, BECN, DE bits
* PVC Status Meanings

Static Routing and RIP

* Static Routing Configuration
* Distance Vector Protocol - Split Horizon and Route Poisoning
* RIP Version Differences
* The Joy of “show ip protocols”
* RIP Limitations and Timers
* Floating Static Routes


* Link State Routing Protocol
* DR and BDR
* Hello Packets
* Adjacency Issues
* Broadcast Networks
* OSPF RID and Router Types
* Advantages of OSPF
* Point-to-Point OSPF Networks
* Default-Information Originate
* OSPF Authentication


* Introduction to EIGRP
* Successors and Feasible Successors
* EIGRP vs. RIPv2
* Wildcard Masks
* Load Sharing
* EIGRP, RIPv2, and Autosummarization
* Passive vs. Active Routes

IPv6 and NAT Security

* IPv6 Theory and Introduction
* Zero/Leading Zero Compression
* IPv6 Reserved Addresses
* Autoconfiguration Process
* OSPF v3 Basics
* Transition Strategies
* NAT Theory and Introduction
* Static NAT Configuration
* Dynamic NAT Configuration
* PAT Configuration

VPNs and IPSec

* Tunneling Protocols
* Data Encryption Technologies
* Key Encryption Schemes
* IPSec, AH and ESP
* A VPN in Your Web Browser

ACLs and Route Summarization

* ACL Login and Implicit Deny
* Standard ACLs and Remarks
* “Host” and “Any”
* The Order of the Lines
* Extended ACLs
* Named ACLs
* Telnet Access, Placing ACLs, and Blocking Pings
* Dynamic and Time-Based ACLs
* Port Number Review
* Route Summarization with RIP and EIGRP

=====/ معلومات التحميل \=====
Genre: Video Training | 1.09 GB





بالتوفيق لكم جميعا إن شاء الله

ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم

أبو يوسف
04-04-2010, 10:58 PM
بارك الله فيك أخي أبو همام وجزاك الله خيرا

05-04-2010, 10:10 PM
شــــ لك ــــكراً أخي الفاضل أبو همام

على مجهودك الجميل في إثراء المنتدى بالمواضيع الجيدة والمفيدة

جزاك الله خيراً وبارك الله بك