سيد احمد
16-05-2010, 07:43 AM
اسعد الله أوقاتكم بكل خير و بعد السلام بداية و ختاما
والصلاة علي نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أشرف وأفضل من مشى على الأرض
وخير من وجه وأرشد
أما بعد أعود أليكم اليوم أعزائي أعضاء ومشرفي منتديا الإبداع و التميز منتدي طريق الإحتر (http://www.abc4web.net/vb/index.php) http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5959/48dy2.gif
ACDSee Canvas with GIS+ 11.2 Build 1269
برنامج ACDSee لاستعراض الصور وتحريرها يتميز بسرعته وسهولة استخدامه ولتعامله مع جميع صيغ الملفات المرئيه , هذه النسخة تدعم نظام المعلومات الجغرافية حيث يمكن ان تاخذ المقاسات في الاحداثيات الجغرافية بسرعه و دقة عالية , يدعم حوالى اكثر من مائة صيغه يمكنك البرنامج من تحرير الصور كما تم اضافة ميزةالنشر والمشاركة الصور عبر المواقع الاجتماعية و مزامنتها كما يمكنك من فهرستها و مشهدتها في وضع المصغرات كما توجد به خاصية العروض او الالبومات تستطيع عمل البومات بصورك الخاصة مع تأثيرات كثير غاية في الجمال يوفرها لك البرنامج جاهزة للاستخدم و التطبيق كما انك تستطيع الكتابة علي الصور عكس عما كان من قبل كما يحتوي مجموعه مميزة من الفلاتر تساعد علي تحسين جودة الصور او وضع تأثيرات جماليه عليها كما انه ياتي معاه برنامج ملحق يطلق عليه اسم FotoSlate يستخدم في طباعه الصور حيث يعد هذا البرنامج المساعد الاول لك في طباعه الصور يمكنك من معاينة الصور قبل طباعتها
Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ is an indispensable tool for professionals who work with GIS data. Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ is the only GIS data visualization solution in today’s market that addresses the need of GIS professionals to communicate the results of their research analysis — quickly, accurately, and effectively — inside a true graphics application.
Simply import GIS project information and then use Canvas’ image editing, illustration, and page-layout features to create, assemble, mone, and annotate, and enhance project data. Tasks that previously might have required days of work - or simply could not be accomplished with other graphics applications - can be completed quickly and with stunning results. No other graphics application delivers the comprehensive set of features and toolsets needed to make the most of your GIS investment.
[RS/MU/HF/DF/UL/ZS/2S] ACDSee Canvas v11.2 Build 1269 with GIS Portable | 84 MB.
Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ is the only GIS data visualization solution in today’s market that addresses the need of GIS professionals to communicate the results of their research analysis — quickly, accurately, and effectively — inside a true graphics application.
Simply import GIS project information and then use Canvas’ image editing, illustration, and page-layout features to create, assemble, montage, and annotate, and enhance project data. Tasks that previously might have required days of work - or simply could not be accomplished with other graphics applications - can be completed quickly and with stunning results.
No other graphics application delivers the comprehensive set of features and toolsets needed to make the most of your GIS investment.
Start using Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ today to…
Streamline your workflow
Time is precious and even more so when deadlines are approaching. So why waste it working with other graphics applications that do not address the specific needs of GIS professionals or that are only capable of performing a narrow set of functions? With Canvas 11 with GIS+, you can take advantage of 18 GIS specific import/export filters as well as benefit from the broad range of visualization tools available through the core of Canvas.
Work in a georeferenced environment
Canvas™ X with GIS+ is a comprehensive solution that enables you to import 80+ file formats to assemble, montage, and create visually stunning charts, maps, and illustrations.
Enhance your GIS data
A host of image filters, transparency effects, annotation tools, image warping techniques, in addition to visual analysis and symbology tools make it easier than ever to create an easy-to-understand representation of your georeferenced work.
Share the results of your work
Compelling visuals of your GIS data have never been easier to share than with Canvas' numerous export options. Without needing additional software, you can share your GIS data as PDF, Web content, a presentation or even a wide format printout.
Say goodbye to distractions
Since the GIS+ module is integrated within Canvas, you benefit from all of Canvas' intuitive interface and customizable tool/menu options designed to make it easy to find what you need:
Canvas™ 11 with GIS+
...is an indispensable tool for professionals who work with GIS data.
System Requirements (Windows)
• Intel® Pentium® 4 or better
• Microsoft® Windows® 7, Microsoft Windows Vista® or Microsoft Windows® XP Home or Professional operating system (with Service Pack 2 installed)
• 512 MB RAM installed (1GB for Microsoft® Windows 7)
• 400 MB free hard disk space
• 16-bit color or higher (True color recommended)
• 1024x768 or higher screen resolution recommended
• Mouse and keyboard. Scanner optional for importing graphics
• Host of industry standard devices supported
• CD-ROM drive. DVD drive to use Clipart library DVD
Language: English
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
Size: 83.7 MB
تاريخ أصدار البرنامج
20 Feb 2010
نسخه Portable
http://rapidshare.com/files/387808389/Portable_ACDSee_Canvas_v11.2_Build_1269_with_GIS.r ar.html
81 MB
نسخه تنصيب عادى
التسجيل :
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان إلى الرحمن سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم ) .
رواه البخاري و مسلم .
أن فلسطين راجعة أن شاء الله
اسعد الله أوقاتكم بكل خير و بعد السلام بداية و ختاما
والصلاة علي نبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم أشرف وأفضل من مشى على الأرض
وخير من وجه وأرشد
أما بعد أعود أليكم اليوم أعزائي أعضاء ومشرفي منتديا الإبداع و التميز منتدي طريق الإحتر (http://www.abc4web.net/vb/index.php) http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5959/48dy2.gif
ACDSee Canvas with GIS+ 11.2 Build 1269
برنامج ACDSee لاستعراض الصور وتحريرها يتميز بسرعته وسهولة استخدامه ولتعامله مع جميع صيغ الملفات المرئيه , هذه النسخة تدعم نظام المعلومات الجغرافية حيث يمكن ان تاخذ المقاسات في الاحداثيات الجغرافية بسرعه و دقة عالية , يدعم حوالى اكثر من مائة صيغه يمكنك البرنامج من تحرير الصور كما تم اضافة ميزةالنشر والمشاركة الصور عبر المواقع الاجتماعية و مزامنتها كما يمكنك من فهرستها و مشهدتها في وضع المصغرات كما توجد به خاصية العروض او الالبومات تستطيع عمل البومات بصورك الخاصة مع تأثيرات كثير غاية في الجمال يوفرها لك البرنامج جاهزة للاستخدم و التطبيق كما انك تستطيع الكتابة علي الصور عكس عما كان من قبل كما يحتوي مجموعه مميزة من الفلاتر تساعد علي تحسين جودة الصور او وضع تأثيرات جماليه عليها كما انه ياتي معاه برنامج ملحق يطلق عليه اسم FotoSlate يستخدم في طباعه الصور حيث يعد هذا البرنامج المساعد الاول لك في طباعه الصور يمكنك من معاينة الصور قبل طباعتها
Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ is an indispensable tool for professionals who work with GIS data. Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ is the only GIS data visualization solution in today’s market that addresses the need of GIS professionals to communicate the results of their research analysis — quickly, accurately, and effectively — inside a true graphics application.
Simply import GIS project information and then use Canvas’ image editing, illustration, and page-layout features to create, assemble, mone, and annotate, and enhance project data. Tasks that previously might have required days of work - or simply could not be accomplished with other graphics applications - can be completed quickly and with stunning results. No other graphics application delivers the comprehensive set of features and toolsets needed to make the most of your GIS investment.
[RS/MU/HF/DF/UL/ZS/2S] ACDSee Canvas v11.2 Build 1269 with GIS Portable | 84 MB.
Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ is the only GIS data visualization solution in today’s market that addresses the need of GIS professionals to communicate the results of their research analysis — quickly, accurately, and effectively — inside a true graphics application.
Simply import GIS project information and then use Canvas’ image editing, illustration, and page-layout features to create, assemble, montage, and annotate, and enhance project data. Tasks that previously might have required days of work - or simply could not be accomplished with other graphics applications - can be completed quickly and with stunning results.
No other graphics application delivers the comprehensive set of features and toolsets needed to make the most of your GIS investment.
Start using Canvas™ 11 with GIS+ today to…
Streamline your workflow
Time is precious and even more so when deadlines are approaching. So why waste it working with other graphics applications that do not address the specific needs of GIS professionals or that are only capable of performing a narrow set of functions? With Canvas 11 with GIS+, you can take advantage of 18 GIS specific import/export filters as well as benefit from the broad range of visualization tools available through the core of Canvas.
Work in a georeferenced environment
Canvas™ X with GIS+ is a comprehensive solution that enables you to import 80+ file formats to assemble, montage, and create visually stunning charts, maps, and illustrations.
Enhance your GIS data
A host of image filters, transparency effects, annotation tools, image warping techniques, in addition to visual analysis and symbology tools make it easier than ever to create an easy-to-understand representation of your georeferenced work.
Share the results of your work
Compelling visuals of your GIS data have never been easier to share than with Canvas' numerous export options. Without needing additional software, you can share your GIS data as PDF, Web content, a presentation or even a wide format printout.
Say goodbye to distractions
Since the GIS+ module is integrated within Canvas, you benefit from all of Canvas' intuitive interface and customizable tool/menu options designed to make it easy to find what you need:
Canvas™ 11 with GIS+
...is an indispensable tool for professionals who work with GIS data.
System Requirements (Windows)
• Intel® Pentium® 4 or better
• Microsoft® Windows® 7, Microsoft Windows Vista® or Microsoft Windows® XP Home or Professional operating system (with Service Pack 2 installed)
• 512 MB RAM installed (1GB for Microsoft® Windows 7)
• 400 MB free hard disk space
• 16-bit color or higher (True color recommended)
• 1024x768 or higher screen resolution recommended
• Mouse and keyboard. Scanner optional for importing graphics
• Host of industry standard devices supported
• CD-ROM drive. DVD drive to use Clipart library DVD
Language: English
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7
Size: 83.7 MB
تاريخ أصدار البرنامج
20 Feb 2010
نسخه Portable
http://rapidshare.com/files/387808389/Portable_ACDSee_Canvas_v11.2_Build_1269_with_GIS.r ar.html
81 MB
نسخه تنصيب عادى
التسجيل :
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : ( كلمتان خفيفتان على اللسان ثقيلتان في الميزان حبيبتان إلى الرحمن سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم ) .
رواه البخاري و مسلم .
أن فلسطين راجعة أن شاء الله