27-05-2008, 09:05 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
AutoRun Design Specialty
هذه هى النسخة الحديثة لهذا البرنامج الجميل لتصميم قوائم الإسطوانات والتجميعات .
http://www.abc4web.net/vb/imgcache/3607.abc4web (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
تمت إضافات كثيرة فى هذه الإصدارة مع القوالب الجميلة الجاهزة
http://www.abc4web.net/vb/imgcache/3608.abc4web (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
تحديثات البرنامج كما فى الموقع
None (No nothing.)
Open File (Opens a file with its default viewer application or Runs an executable program.)
Visit Website (Opens a web-based URL in the user's default Web browser.)
Browse Cd/Folder (Opens a Folder or browse cd)
Send Email (Opens the user's default email client with an email address in the "email" field.)
Print File (Prints a document on the user's default printer. This is the same as selecting "print" and Click the Browse button chose the file you wish to print.)
Show SubPage (Show a sub page in your project.)
Play Sound (Play a multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.)
Stop Sound (Stop the multimedia file in the current page.)
StopAll Sound (Stop all the multimedia file in all pages.)
Full Screen (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Set the object of mediaplayer or slideshow to full screen.)
Show Message (Setting your custom messages for user.)
Play (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Play an multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.
SlideShow show pictures as an folder whose player supports the Play shell command.)
Stop (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (MediPlayer Stops playing or recording.
SlideShow stop show pictures as an folder whose player supports the Stop shell command.)
Pause (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (MediaPlayer Pauses playing or recording.
SlideShow Pause show pictures as an folder whose player supports the Stop shell command.)
Previous (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Previous an multimedia file .
SlideShow previous pictures as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
Next (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Enters quickly an multimedia file .
SlideShow enters quickly show picture as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
First/Back (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (First/Back an multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.
SlideShow First/Back show picture as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
Last/Step (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Last/Step an multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.
SlideShow Last/Step show picture as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
Minimize (Minimize the current page supports the minimize shell command.)
Exit(This action will exit the application or the current page.)
New AutoRun Step by Step.
Set the title of your project and use custom hint.
Save test it.
Preview page.
Use you custom ico for you project.
Page support fadein,fadeout,transparent.
Publish you cd.
Page templates.
Object templates.
... ...
===/ معلومات التحميل \===
تم رفع البرنامج على موقع Zshare
:zshare: (http://www.zshare.net/download/12674641ae55b1fa/)
كود فك الضغط فى المرفقات
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
مـ(أجمل تحية نقدمها لكم)ـع
أبو هــــMــــام
الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
AutoRun Design Specialty
هذه هى النسخة الحديثة لهذا البرنامج الجميل لتصميم قوائم الإسطوانات والتجميعات .
http://www.abc4web.net/vb/imgcache/3607.abc4web (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
تمت إضافات كثيرة فى هذه الإصدارة مع القوالب الجميلة الجاهزة
http://www.abc4web.net/vb/imgcache/3608.abc4web (http://www.abc4web.net/upload/)
تحديثات البرنامج كما فى الموقع
None (No nothing.)
Open File (Opens a file with its default viewer application or Runs an executable program.)
Visit Website (Opens a web-based URL in the user's default Web browser.)
Browse Cd/Folder (Opens a Folder or browse cd)
Send Email (Opens the user's default email client with an email address in the "email" field.)
Print File (Prints a document on the user's default printer. This is the same as selecting "print" and Click the Browse button chose the file you wish to print.)
Show SubPage (Show a sub page in your project.)
Play Sound (Play a multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.)
Stop Sound (Stop the multimedia file in the current page.)
StopAll Sound (Stop all the multimedia file in all pages.)
Full Screen (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Set the object of mediaplayer or slideshow to full screen.)
Show Message (Setting your custom messages for user.)
Play (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Play an multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.
SlideShow show pictures as an folder whose player supports the Play shell command.)
Stop (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (MediPlayer Stops playing or recording.
SlideShow stop show pictures as an folder whose player supports the Stop shell command.)
Pause (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (MediaPlayer Pauses playing or recording.
SlideShow Pause show pictures as an folder whose player supports the Stop shell command.)
Previous (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Previous an multimedia file .
SlideShow previous pictures as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
Next (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Enters quickly an multimedia file .
SlideShow enters quickly show picture as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
First/Back (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (First/Back an multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.
SlideShow First/Back show picture as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
Last/Step (only support the objects of mediaplaye and slideshow ) (Last/Step an multimedia file such as an MID, AVI, MPG, audio format or any other multimedia type whose player supports the Play shell command.
SlideShow Last/Step show picture as an folder whose player supports the enters quickly shell command.)
Minimize (Minimize the current page supports the minimize shell command.)
Exit(This action will exit the application or the current page.)
New AutoRun Step by Step.
Set the title of your project and use custom hint.
Save test it.
Preview page.
Use you custom ico for you project.
Page support fadein,fadeout,transparent.
Publish you cd.
Page templates.
Object templates.
... ...
===/ معلومات التحميل \===
تم رفع البرنامج على موقع Zshare
:zshare: (http://www.zshare.net/download/12674641ae55b1fa/)
كود فك الضغط فى المرفقات
ولاتنسونا من صالح دعائكم
مـ(أجمل تحية نقدمها لكم)ـع
أبو هــــMــــام