أبو يوسف
10-06-2010, 08:44 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.9.4
هذا البرنامج صغير جدا وينحصر عمله في حماية الحاسبات وحتى الشبكات من الإختراق ؛ لا علاقة له بمضاد الفايروس بتاتا ؛ بل هو برنامج مستقل عند تنصيبه لا يندمج بأي برنامج ؛ أي تستطيع إستخدام اي مضاد فايروس غير الكاسبر سكاي لأنه مستقل عنه
في حالة تعرضك لاختراق فإن البرنامج يوقف هذا الهجوم ويعطيك رسالة برقم آيبي المخترق وقد قمت يتجربة هذا البرنامج
عند فتحك لأي موقع فإن البرنامج يستشيرك بالسماح لهذا الموقع او المنع ؛ وإياك أن تعمل بلوك على موقع تريده لأنه يسجل في ذاكرته أن هذا الموقع محجوب ولن يفتحه نهائيا
Kaspersky Anti-Hacker بكل تاكيد تحتاج الحاسبات حماية ضد هجمات الكمبيوتر واللصوص الذي يمكنهم سرقة كل معلوماتك الشخصية والمهمة ويقوم بحماية نظامك من الفايروسات ويعتبر البرنامج الحماية الشخصي طور بمختبرات كاسبر سكاي يقدم لك الحماية الموثوقة ضد كل تهديدات الأنترنت ,ويكتشف البرنامج أكثر أنواع الدوس تهاجم وتستطيع أن تتبع المهاجم . برنامج مهم لكل مستخدم كمبيوتر للحمايته من هجمات الهكرز الخطرة على حاسوب .ويقوم باغلاق جميع النوافذ المفتوحة التي يستعملها الهاكرز ليقوم بأختراق حاسوب.برنامج سهل تعامل معه ونستطيع ان نقول برنامج جدير بعمله وله الكثير من مميزات الرائعة
Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.9.4 | 8 Mb
Computers need protection against hacker attacks which can steal information, introduce viruses into your system, and turn your machine into a zombie for use in spamming attacks. And all of this can be done without your knowledge or consent.
Say no to hackers
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker, the personal firewall developed by Kaspersky Labs, offers you reliable protection against all these threats. The product has flexible configuration and five security levels for ease of use. It is fully compatible with MS WIndows XP SP2.
Effective protection
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker blocks the most common hacker network attacks by continuously filtering incoming and outgoing traffic. The program detects most types of DoS attacks, as well as Ping of Death attacks, Land, Helkern, Lovesan and SMBDie. In addition, Anti-Hacker detects attempted port scans that often precede mass attacks. When an attack occurs a notification is immediately sent to the user.
Tracking network activity
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker contains predefined rules for the most commonly used mail transfer agents, web-browsers, ICQ and other instant messaging programs. You can set security rules for Internet applications, and can regulate network application activity on the basis either of general program categories or specific actions performed by individual applications.
Packet filtration
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker checks all data packets and prevents unsanctioned leaks of confidential information. The program analyses all aspects of data transfer; headings, the protocol used, ports, IP addresses and so forth. Packets are filtered according to user defined rules based on this information. For instance, you can set packet filtration rules that will apply to all applications or only specified ones. If an IP-address is blocked by packet filtration rules, it will not be accessible to any application.
Self-modification system
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker modifies security rules for Internet applications using its inbuilt self-modification feature. When an event occurs which is not described in the pre-defined rules, the user has the option to create and add a new rule to the list of security rules. As a result, users are free to tailor a security profile to meet their specific needs.
Total invisibility
· SmartStealth technology protects you by making your PC 'invisible'. When your computer is in 'Stealth' mode, no one can detect your computer in a network since all network activity is prohibited, unless explicitly permitted by rules which you, the user, define. You are free to surf the Internet unseen. You are even protected against DoS attacks.
Known problems :
· Incompatibility with Openvpn sourceforge 2.0
· After Kaspersky Anti-Hacker is installed, VPN connection via Cisco VPN client cannot be established
What's New in Kaspersky Anti-Hacker 1.9.4 :
· A problem that caused the appearance of the BSOD in case the response for the action prompt was long delayed has been eliminated
· A problem that prevented obtaining the IP via DHCP after the installation has been eliminated
· A problem that disabled parameter "Launch the security system when the operating system starts" has been eliminated
· A problem that caused the system crash when the application was exiting has been eliminated
· A license key installation utility has been added
Hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/47492081/ee64e08/Anti_Hacker.rar.html)
Uploading (http://uploading.com/files/e7f77fbm/Anti_Hacker.rar/)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.9.4
هذا البرنامج صغير جدا وينحصر عمله في حماية الحاسبات وحتى الشبكات من الإختراق ؛ لا علاقة له بمضاد الفايروس بتاتا ؛ بل هو برنامج مستقل عند تنصيبه لا يندمج بأي برنامج ؛ أي تستطيع إستخدام اي مضاد فايروس غير الكاسبر سكاي لأنه مستقل عنه
في حالة تعرضك لاختراق فإن البرنامج يوقف هذا الهجوم ويعطيك رسالة برقم آيبي المخترق وقد قمت يتجربة هذا البرنامج
عند فتحك لأي موقع فإن البرنامج يستشيرك بالسماح لهذا الموقع او المنع ؛ وإياك أن تعمل بلوك على موقع تريده لأنه يسجل في ذاكرته أن هذا الموقع محجوب ولن يفتحه نهائيا
Kaspersky Anti-Hacker بكل تاكيد تحتاج الحاسبات حماية ضد هجمات الكمبيوتر واللصوص الذي يمكنهم سرقة كل معلوماتك الشخصية والمهمة ويقوم بحماية نظامك من الفايروسات ويعتبر البرنامج الحماية الشخصي طور بمختبرات كاسبر سكاي يقدم لك الحماية الموثوقة ضد كل تهديدات الأنترنت ,ويكتشف البرنامج أكثر أنواع الدوس تهاجم وتستطيع أن تتبع المهاجم . برنامج مهم لكل مستخدم كمبيوتر للحمايته من هجمات الهكرز الخطرة على حاسوب .ويقوم باغلاق جميع النوافذ المفتوحة التي يستعملها الهاكرز ليقوم بأختراق حاسوب.برنامج سهل تعامل معه ونستطيع ان نقول برنامج جدير بعمله وله الكثير من مميزات الرائعة
Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.9.4 | 8 Mb
Computers need protection against hacker attacks which can steal information, introduce viruses into your system, and turn your machine into a zombie for use in spamming attacks. And all of this can be done without your knowledge or consent.
Say no to hackers
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker, the personal firewall developed by Kaspersky Labs, offers you reliable protection against all these threats. The product has flexible configuration and five security levels for ease of use. It is fully compatible with MS WIndows XP SP2.
Effective protection
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker blocks the most common hacker network attacks by continuously filtering incoming and outgoing traffic. The program detects most types of DoS attacks, as well as Ping of Death attacks, Land, Helkern, Lovesan and SMBDie. In addition, Anti-Hacker detects attempted port scans that often precede mass attacks. When an attack occurs a notification is immediately sent to the user.
Tracking network activity
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker contains predefined rules for the most commonly used mail transfer agents, web-browsers, ICQ and other instant messaging programs. You can set security rules for Internet applications, and can regulate network application activity on the basis either of general program categories or specific actions performed by individual applications.
Packet filtration
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker checks all data packets and prevents unsanctioned leaks of confidential information. The program analyses all aspects of data transfer; headings, the protocol used, ports, IP addresses and so forth. Packets are filtered according to user defined rules based on this information. For instance, you can set packet filtration rules that will apply to all applications or only specified ones. If an IP-address is blocked by packet filtration rules, it will not be accessible to any application.
Self-modification system
· Kaspersky Anti-Hacker modifies security rules for Internet applications using its inbuilt self-modification feature. When an event occurs which is not described in the pre-defined rules, the user has the option to create and add a new rule to the list of security rules. As a result, users are free to tailor a security profile to meet their specific needs.
Total invisibility
· SmartStealth technology protects you by making your PC 'invisible'. When your computer is in 'Stealth' mode, no one can detect your computer in a network since all network activity is prohibited, unless explicitly permitted by rules which you, the user, define. You are free to surf the Internet unseen. You are even protected against DoS attacks.
Known problems :
· Incompatibility with Openvpn sourceforge 2.0
· After Kaspersky Anti-Hacker is installed, VPN connection via Cisco VPN client cannot be established
What's New in Kaspersky Anti-Hacker 1.9.4 :
· A problem that caused the appearance of the BSOD in case the response for the action prompt was long delayed has been eliminated
· A problem that prevented obtaining the IP via DHCP after the installation has been eliminated
· A problem that disabled parameter "Launch the security system when the operating system starts" has been eliminated
· A problem that caused the system crash when the application was exiting has been eliminated
· A license key installation utility has been added
Hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/47492081/ee64e08/Anti_Hacker.rar.html)
Uploading (http://uploading.com/files/e7f77fbm/Anti_Hacker.rar/)