أبو يوسف
19-06-2010, 04:29 PM
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخر نسخة ومحمولة لهذا البرنامج الرائع
Total Commander 7.55 Final Portable
لإنجاز أعمالك من نسخ وضغط وبحث سريع ولوحة تحكم سريعة ،
يقسم الملفّات الكبيرة
يبحث عن الملفّات المزدوجة
إمكانية عرض الملفّات المختارة بنمط بحث معيّن, الحجم, التّاريخ أو المحتويات
ويدعم ملفات الضغط من نوع
ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE. وبإمكانك أن تشغل
FTP عن طريق البرنامج من سرفر إلى سرفرآخر.
يعطيك واجهتان لأقسام الهارد،
يدعم عدة لغات عالمية سهولة طباعة المجلدات. والكثير من المهام الرائعة .
Total Commander 7.55 Final Portable | 8 MB
Total Commander is a file manager replacement that offers multiple language support, search, file comparison, directory synchronization, quick view panel with bitmap display, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling plus plugins, built-in FTP client with FXP, HTTP proxy support, and more.
Features of Total Commander:
- Two file windows side by side
- Multiple language support
- Enhanced search function
- Compare files / synchronize directories
- Quick View panel with bitmap display
- ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
- Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support
- Parallel port link, multi-rename tool
- Tabbed interface, regular expressions, history + favorites buttons
- Both 32 bit and 16 bit versions available!
- Long filenames in Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (16 and 32-bit version)!
- Direct access to Network Neighbourhood
- Supports Drag & Drop with Explorer/the Desktop etc.
- Command line for starting of programs with parameters, simply by typing the program name or by pressing CTRL+ENTER or CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
- Configurable button bar and Start menu (User-defined commands) to place your frequently used DOS or - Windows programs into a drop-down menu. The actual directory and/or the file under the cursor can be delivered to the application.
- Configurable main menu.
- Built in file viewer (Lister) to view files of ANY SIZE in hex, binary or text format, using either the ASCII- (DOS) or the ANSI- (Windows) character set. The line width and font size can now be changed. You can even view files inside archives! New: Support for Unicode UTF-8 format.
- Bitmap viewer in Lister, additional formats through Irfanview (see addons).
- HTML- and Unicode-Viewer in Lister.
- Parallel port transfer function (direct cable connection), works between Win95/98/NT/2000/3.1 and DOS!
- Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced search
Language: English, Afrikaans, Albanian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, SimpChinese, Czech, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, TradChinese, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/49392674/5a85602/Total_Commander_v7.55_portable.rar.html)
Ugotfile (http://ugotfile.com/file/1613210/Total_Commander_v7.55_portable.rar)
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
اخر نسخة ومحمولة لهذا البرنامج الرائع
Total Commander 7.55 Final Portable
لإنجاز أعمالك من نسخ وضغط وبحث سريع ولوحة تحكم سريعة ،
يقسم الملفّات الكبيرة
يبحث عن الملفّات المزدوجة
إمكانية عرض الملفّات المختارة بنمط بحث معيّن, الحجم, التّاريخ أو المحتويات
ويدعم ملفات الضغط من نوع
ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE. وبإمكانك أن تشغل
FTP عن طريق البرنامج من سرفر إلى سرفرآخر.
يعطيك واجهتان لأقسام الهارد،
يدعم عدة لغات عالمية سهولة طباعة المجلدات. والكثير من المهام الرائعة .
Total Commander 7.55 Final Portable | 8 MB
Total Commander is a file manager replacement that offers multiple language support, search, file comparison, directory synchronization, quick view panel with bitmap display, ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling plus plugins, built-in FTP client with FXP, HTTP proxy support, and more.
Features of Total Commander:
- Two file windows side by side
- Multiple language support
- Enhanced search function
- Compare files / synchronize directories
- Quick View panel with bitmap display
- ZIP, ARJ, LZH, RAR, UC2, TAR, GZ, CAB, ACE archive handling + plugins
- Built-in FTP client with FXP (server to server) and HTTP proxy support
- Parallel port link, multi-rename tool
- Tabbed interface, regular expressions, history + favorites buttons
- Both 32 bit and 16 bit versions available!
- Long filenames in Windows 95/98 and Windows NT (16 and 32-bit version)!
- Direct access to Network Neighbourhood
- Supports Drag & Drop with Explorer/the Desktop etc.
- Command line for starting of programs with parameters, simply by typing the program name or by pressing CTRL+ENTER or CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
- Configurable button bar and Start menu (User-defined commands) to place your frequently used DOS or - Windows programs into a drop-down menu. The actual directory and/or the file under the cursor can be delivered to the application.
- Configurable main menu.
- Built in file viewer (Lister) to view files of ANY SIZE in hex, binary or text format, using either the ASCII- (DOS) or the ANSI- (Windows) character set. The line width and font size can now be changed. You can even view files inside archives! New: Support for Unicode UTF-8 format.
- Bitmap viewer in Lister, additional formats through Irfanview (see addons).
- HTML- and Unicode-Viewer in Lister.
- Parallel port transfer function (direct cable connection), works between Win95/98/NT/2000/3.1 and DOS!
- Thumbnails view, custom columns, enhanced search
Language: English, Afrikaans, Albanian, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Catalan, SimpChinese, Czech, Danish, German, Dutch, Spanish, Estonian, Finnish, French, Greek, Hebrew, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, TradChinese, Ukrainian, Uzbek
Hotfile (http://hotfile.com/dl/49392674/5a85602/Total_Commander_v7.55_portable.rar.html)
Ugotfile (http://ugotfile.com/file/1613210/Total_Commander_v7.55_portable.rar)